Android: The EU hits Google


S he has already gone bankrupt Google for the payment of 2.42 billion euros. euros, because the group prefers its own services at the time of purchase, now wants the Commissioner of Competition of the EU Margrethe Vestager vorchpfen as Next Android. As the Washington Post reports, Google will soon be facing other sanctions. Also this time it is several billion, the giant of the Internet should not yield. The allegation: Google uses its commercial power on Android to maintain distance competition and dominate the Internet. Surprisingly enough, this is not the case: the European Commission had already announced in 2016 to prepare a competition case against Google for Android.

Google threatens consumers and competition?

At least the burden of market dominance is not non-existent. After all, Android in Europe has a market share of more than 72%. Depending on the number, the global market share of Android is about 87 percent. That in itself would not be a problem. However, the European Commission accuses Google of taking advantage of this position for its own advantage and disadvantage of its competitors and customers. Specifically, it is Google's ordering Android device manufacturers to also install Google services. Other suppliers would have no chance to take it away. Theoretically, Samsung, Huawei & Co. could install an Android version without Google, but devices would be denied access to the Play Store, for example. Google grants it only if, by default, the Chrome browser and Google search are installed.

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Antitrust case against Google: As with Microsoft?

Basically, the process recalls the browser conflict between the EU Commission and Microsoft. At that time, Microsoft had dominated the browser market with Internet Explorer, among others, according to the commission, because the browser was installed on all Windows PC factory. To avoid the claims, Microsoft decided to install a browser choice in Windows. The same would be conceivable here: to avoid penalties, Google could install a selection window that gives the user the choice of browser and search service that he wants to use by default.

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Attack Google's Business Model

But unlike Microsoft, that's where the business model's main activity lies from Google. As we know, the company earns its money mainly by placing advertising. And with services like Google Chrome or Google Search, the company knows the preferences of most people and knows what ads are showing. Android plays a key role. Because the operating system is the most powerful tool Google has for mobile data user access. If the EU's Google requests cut off the flow of data, access to millions of user data would be in jeopardy and therefore also the business model. At least in the case of Android, the Internet giant should find other financing models. The Washington Post badumes that the European Commission's measures could also trigger US competitive claims, which in turn would increase pressure on the group.

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