App Store celebrates its birthday


INTERNET With the application programs, mobile phones have become the device for all situations

WIESBADEN – When the Apple maker Apple launched a decade ago programs Mobile application for his mobile phones, almost no one believed in his success. Who wants to use extended services on mini-screens? That is what many experts thought. It was a big mistake.

Goldmine Billions for Software Developers

    The abbreviated application stands for application software, that is, computer programs of any kind. application often for mobile devices from smartphone to tablet.

    These programs allow the use of additional services that complement the operating system.

    Applications are usually installed directly on the device via an online store integrated with the mobile operating system. Applications range from the simplest utilities such as calculators to complex software packages for office applications or games.

Almost no mobile communication works today without whatsapp. Photos are shared via Instagram, the latest weather data is accessible via mobile phone applications, appointments are managed, contacts are linked via Tinder, messages are read, edited photos and videos, documents are saved. The App Store has become a gold mine for software developers. Apple directly benefits from the business of a billion dollars, since the conglomerate concedes paid applications at least during the first year 30% commission. With over $ 100 billion spent on mobile apps over the last decade in the App Store, $ 30 billion went directly to Apple.

"The App Store has revolutionized not only the smartphone industry. Apps have enabled the smartphone to become the device suitable for all life situations," says Bernhard Rohleder, director General of Bitkom Digital Association.Environments with thousands of employees were created around applications.

Apple was not the first middleman of applications.But the American company launched a real fire of 39, artifice with its easy-to-use service business.In particular, the opening of the company to external developers has fueled the company.He had Steve Jobs founder of Apple initially because of security concerns or concerns about an opening of the iPhone for applications .The programs have long been available for the competing Android operating system.

Especially the These games were the hit in the early days. The "Pokémon Go" app, which captures virtual fantasy creatures, is just one example of a lucrative hype. Although "Pokémon Go" has long since disappeared from headlines, it still brings steady revenue. The "Angry Birds" have become a global brand. Games such as "Candy Crush Saga" or "Fortnite" have generated about three quarters of sales since the creation of the App Store.

Only in Germany, 1.6 billion euros will be spent on mobile applications for smartphones and tablets this year. It's almost a tripled in five years. The Bitkom industry badociation reports based on data from the research institute market research2guidance. The majority of the turnover (about 76%) is achieved through paid offers in the application programs, such as game expansion, additional performance levels in vocabulary coaches or for the activation of additional functions

Advertisements in applications (18 percent) and the purchase price of applications (6 percent), however, significantly less sales.

When the App Store launched about 500 applications were available, today Apple and Google Play Store in total Millions of applications are recovered. This year, downloads in all stores are expected to increase by 17%.

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