Apple App Store: advertising in search results also in Germany


Apple will start at the beginning of August in the German App Store ads in the search results. Application developers should find a way to advertise directly in the search for apps for their products, according to the company. Until now, advertising was only available in other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

For customers, this means that instead of searching for the app, the first search result could be an ad for another app. This ad differs from a light blue background and an "ad tag" from other search results. What users have really searched for, they will find below the advertisement. The ads allow developers to promote only iOS apps that already exist on the App Store.

According to Mac & i magazine, users who see which ads appear depend on such criteria as age, gender, device type or location of the user. But also the download behavior plays a role.

Already problem for commercials

Apple ensures that no user profile takes place for the advertising program, and no personal information will be attached the advertisers have succeeded. According to the announcement, "Mac & i" has a button that allows people to touch to see why they have been shown a specific ad.

In the United States, Apple's new and certainly lucrative advertising spot is already in the spotlight, because users after the action game "Fortnite" sought after as the first advertisement for the direct competitor "PUBG Mobile" showed . This was noticed by Tim Sweeney, who founded the company behind "Fortnite" with Epic Games.

Sweeney featured on Twitter other advertising-relevant advertising sites: Walmart advertising, for example, was sought after for "Amazon Prime Video", and which typed "iTunes", which landed at the competitor Amazon Music. "It's more important for the store than advertising revenue," Tim Sweeney scolded.

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