Applications send screen captures to third parties


  Woman with an iPhone and a coffee to go (image icon)

Source: Pixabay

The strings of the third For example, attracting mobile phone users in an increasingly sophisticated environment. Apart from this, the companies behind the apps also highlight user behavior in order to make the application experience ostensibly better. However, researchers have now discovered that apps can also send screenshots to third-party vendors.

The use of an application helps to keep track of what users are doing in the application. The authorization for registration should not be explicitly requested by the user. However, US researchers have now discovered that applications that record user behavior also send screen captures to third parties. Ergo, the sensitive data of the user will be transmitted without authorization. The research group observed various applications teaching them how to provide content to the badysis companies, Heise Online .

In detail, in the case examples around the Appsee and TestFairy applications, the developers each have an impression of the usage behavior. Thus, for example, the beta codes of the respective applications must be improved and the users must be adapted. As part of the search, the corresponding application that contained the TestFairy tracking code was not marked as beta.

Overall, scientists have used automated processing technology to browse more than 17,000 apps on Google Play Store and in the smaller app. AppChina, and Anzhi stores. Although the apps reviewed, mostly on the Play Store, did not send screenshots or videos to third-party vendors, they sent sensitive data such as contact information or credit card of the user. It is not clear if the tracking code in the applications are "leftovers" from the development of the application or exploited by the developers to adapt the application to the respective user during the operation.

Source: Heise Online [19659008] | small picture source image: Pixabay / geralt | Author: Simone Warnke

Topics related to this News: Applications and software, Android, Google, Mobile News, Smartphones, Business and Markets [19659012] var fpProperty = mde-service & # 39 ;;
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