ARD show "WM Kwartira": Matthäus insulted by Komiker as "pedophile" – WM 2018


Lothar Matthäus was very insulted at the ARD show "WM Kwartira". The comedian Oliver Polak said literally about Germany 's national record: "Over the past twenty years, there was nothing left to say: Respect, it' s only that 's right. a complete idiot! "

The two presenters, Jörg Thadeusz and Micky Beisenherz, did not stand up to comedian Polak on his statement and left the words in the play. In front of the "Bild" commented commentators. The statement was very angry, but since Polak is a "clearly polarizing satirist", we did not want to react with indignation. Thadeusz and Beisenherz added: "Even if we were internally agitated, we did not want to give the whole thing a scandalous, major step in the interest of the person concerned".

After all, the two presenters regretted not having intervened for the moment. "We would really like to apologize to Lothar Matthäus." Program leader Thomas Wehrle announced in the "Bild" that Polak would no longer be invited: "We found this pbadage meaningless and absolutely inappropriate, which we regret very much."

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