– ArticleSet.com Google DeepMind – KI Wins Catching Flag Against People in Quake 3 Arena


  The Google AI DeepMind has managed to master Quake 3 Arena's catch-the-flag mode so well that it has been able to beat a human team. The AI ​​AI DeepMind By training with themselves, they were able to master the Quake 3 Arena flag capture mode so well that they were able to beat a human team.

After the great success of AI AI AI project at Dota 2 against human players, Google launches its own DeepMind AI: the search team managed to train the AI ​​to beat a human team in the Capture-the-flag-mode of Quake 3.

As reported by TheVerge, AI developers rely on what is called Reinforced Learning. Here, AI trains on some sort of trial and error principle and plays against itself until it has understood the game as much as as possible. DeepMind has pbaded nearly half a million games, each lasting five minutes, or about 41,667 hours (or 1736 days) of pure workout.

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During training, AI learns all elements of Capture the Flag at Quake 3, including capture and flag guarding and encampment at the base of the enemy. During the training, however, the AI ​​did not rely on digital data – as in the case of Open AI and LoL – but received the game information exclusively on the Quake-3 user interface.

After completing the training, AI developers had DeepMind competing against two-player teams, including teams of robots, humans and a combination of both. As a result, the pure bot team scored the best with a 74 percent win rate – the (strong) human team only reached 52 percent.

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However, the victory rate of AI has decreased the most players in the AI ​​team. For four artificial intelligence players, the win rate was only 65% ​​- so the DeepMind team work still has to work a little bit. However, the sighting factor, which is also very important in a shooter like Quake in addition to the tactics, is not discussed in The Verge's report.

Programming a bot to hit the target is likely to be much easier than to teach him significant tactical behavior – who has already fought the last opponent bot Xaero in the single-player mode of Quake 3 Arena on the level of difficulty 'Nightmare', can sing a song.

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