Ashe becomes the next heroine in Overwatch, it's her skills


At the BlizzCon 2018, Blizzard released 2 new videos on Overwatch, in which a story is told at McCree and where the new heroine Ashe is presented. We took a closer look at the videos and you said what Ashe probably can.

Ashe is McCree's opponent: In the new "Old Knowledge" cinematic, you can see for the first time the appearance of new heroine Ashe, who turns out to belong to McCree's past and probably to her opponent.

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Skills and story of the new heroine Ashe

Ashe is a heroine who seems to be the most effective of medium to short distances. Their heavy damage nearby makes them threatening for individual opponents and poorly positioned groups. However, because of her lack of mobility, she has to pay attention to her own position.

Overwatch Reunion Ashe Clsoeup Title

The Viper: The main weapon of Ashes is the sub-lever rifle "Viper". The Viper has two shooting modes:

  • Standard Shooting covers enemies with a quick series of hip shots.
  • Alternate shooting allows Ashe to aim, which makes her shoot more slowly but does more damage.

The great feature of the Viper is the way it is recharged. Instead of working with a magazine like all other Overwatch weapons, the Viper is loaded individually with cartridges.

Ashe can load all the cartridges one after the other in the weapon or interrupt the firing at any time. This gives Ashe the choice to prepare for a longer battle or to aim for a targeted shot that she needs at the very second.

Overwatch Ashe Skills Viper 2

shotgun: The double rifle is Ashe's first skill. The two-shot rifle can fire on an enemy or on the surface.

When she meets an opponent, she is pushed back and Ashe catapults herself in the opposite direction. If she pulls on a surface close to her, she will only be pushed back.

Overgatch Ashe double shotgun skills

dynamite: Ashe's second ability is a bundle of dynamite that she can launch. Dynamite flies like Junkrat's mines and explodes at the destination, causing considerable damage, which has the effect of inflicting damage over time on the heroes struck.

If Ashe is aiming and timing correctly, she can immediately fire the dynamite pack with a Viper shot and do the damage directly.

Overwatch Ashe New Hero 1

Ultimate capacity – B.O.B .: Ashe's ultimate ability is to call his butler Bob, an omnic bodyguard. Bob rushes forward and collides with the first hero to propel the latter and all surrounding targets in the air.

Shortly after the collision or when he hits a wall, Bob turns around and pulls weapons out of his arm. Bob counts for the duration of his existence as a complete hero with all the advantages and disadvantages:

  • Bob can defend and attack target areas
  • Bob can be healed, killed and targeted by buffs and debuffs
  • and Anas Nano-Boost and his sleep dart have an effect on Bob.

While Bob is active, Ashe therefore, according to the developer, "more or less than two heroes."

Overheps Ashe New Heroes 2

Clips and other descriptions of Ashe's abilities are available on the official page of his hero.

When is Ashe playable? There is currently no official announcement. After Moira's last announcement at BlizzCon 2017, she was playable on the PTR soon after. Ashe could also be on the PTR soon.

Who is Ashe?

Shortly after his announcement, Blizzard posted a video on Ashe. This shows that the character has a living history.

Ashe is the daughter of wealthy parents, brought up in luxury. Her parents paid her a little attention, but she hired the Omnic Butler Bob. Ashe was not satisfied with this life.

At a young age, she met the abuser Jesse McCree, with whom she committed her first crimes and acknowledged that it was the path she wanted to follow. She founded the band Deadlock Gang, with which she especially wants to steal a cargo from a train going on Route 66 and even later attempted to unite criminal gangs from across the United States. .

After the quarrels no longer occurred between the gangs, she took care of her criminal career and became one of the most wanted criminals in the United States.

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Another possible hero: Echo?

In the cargo of Route 66, contrary to expectations, it is not a direct weapon, but an AI called Echo, which has a common past with McCree and Overwatch.

The way Echo was presented, as well as the hints from Jeff Kaplan suggest that Echo 2019 could be played as another heroine in Overwatch.

Overwatch reunion new heroine echo

What do you think of Ashe? Do you want a new DPS hero or do you prefer Bob better? Visit our Overwatch group, chat with other fans and check Facebook for more information and news.

The last hero to be added is Wrecking Ball. This may be the sweet hamster of Winston's past.

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