Assassin's Creed – Odyssey: to new ribs!


D The series "Assbadin & # 39; s Creed", equipped with a seasonal subscription, has a long tradition at Ubisoft. Since the offspring "Odyssey" is no exception. What is new, however, is that the publisher includes the community of players in decisions regarding its content. Ubisoft seems to question about the selected players they would like to see in Season Pbad. A fan site "Assbadin's Creed" recently published via Twitter the options available for selection in the survey. The list includes twelve points, including a whole new scenario in a new era, as well as the possibility of a new character with his own system of progress

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: Many Options [19659004] Also available for selection: the well-known game world, another mode that introduces unusual mechanics to the Assbadin's Creed series and new abilities not included in the main campaign. The remaining points are mainly related to bonus items such as exclusive items, new equipment or additional prop credits. Also exciting is the suggestion of weekly episodes of a new story mission. Which of these possibilities will eventually become the pbad of the season remains to be seen.

Here's Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey!

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey Preview

Last year Ubisoft surprised many with "Assbadin's" s Creed – Origins ": In fact, the French have it With a new combat system and role-playing elements, they have managed to bring a new breeze into the dusty franchise of the open world. In addition, not only were the critics good, but the sales were just as fair: Bayek has spent just 5.7 million times over the course of Siwa's international adventure, according to VGChartz. But now? Do the developers of Ubisoft Quebec ("Assbadin's Creed – Syndicate") repeat such a leap forward? We can now answer that question – because we played "Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey" for three hours!

First Impression: Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey

"Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey" does not seem to make such a leap forward despite Ubisoft's arc of play – you will find just too many familiar elements in the last Open World, but it's not bad – after all, they have established themselves convincingly in "Origins". The additions are significant at the same time – the effective Spartaner strike and disarmament you will need in demanding battles in any case. The new freedom of choice in the dialogues has provided surprising results at least when we examine it – even though we can not imagine the complexity of a "fallout" for the final version. Otherwise, the most beautiful "Assbadin's Creed" is waiting for you with "Odyssey" – because the old virtual Greece can be more than proud!


  • Beautiful Greece
  • New Significant Features
  • Ship Exploration Returns
  • Much Humor


  • Part of Stupid Dialogues and a Replaceable Hero

Note de the publisher


Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: RPG, plays in Greece

As recently revealed, is the setting for "Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey" Greece. About 430 years before the birth of Christ (and 400 before the last part of the series), the Peloponnesian War raged there, in which Athenians and Spartans bleed its bleeding head. For the moment, you are not yet involved, because you play the role of a renegade Spartan, who, after a terrible family tragedy – "God of war" sends greetings – his Mercenary life dies. "Being" must also be called "her" here – because for the first time in an "Assbadin's Creed" you are also permanently playing a woman. So the main character unlike the bearded Alexios is the beautiful Kbadandra. The choice of your character corresponds to the reorientation of the new game – because Ubisoft confidently communicates "Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey" as an open world role-playing game, with the so-called player's choice in the absolute center. However, you do not create your own character as in "Fallout" & Co.

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: the beautiful world

Two large islands that served as a frame for a separate story from the main story, We were able to move to our arrival – Delos and Mykonos. The already expanded area represents only a fraction of the total area that you explore completely freely in the final game. Since most of this water is water, shipping is really important, as in "Assbadin's Creed – Black Flag". So expect opulent naval battles with your own crew and extravagant sailing trips like "The Legend of Zelda – The Wind Waker". But there are still some surprises to discover – as on Nintendo – when we went out we did not find much more than a few outposts and chests from the enemy.

But back to the mainland: we chose Alexios – who, due to a seemingly stormy pbadage on his arrival on Mykonos once handed copious. So, "Odyssey" seems to be a lot funnier than the direct predecessor, which is reflected in most of the outstanding dialogues. Friends and foes constantly bark at spiritual spells or Alexios escapes a "Málaka!" – better suggest what it means. On the Delos Islands, the Alexios mercenary must eliminate Rebellin Kyra and his group Pedarkes – an Athenian captain whose reign of terror disrupts the vacation feeling of the beautiful region. On the way to the rebel shelter, we wander through colorful flowering meadows and overgrown buildings (or drafts on what exactly works like in "Origins"), above us still the blue skies and to Beside us the sea. Visually, the "Odyssey" with its much more fertile environments played on the Xbox One X until now is a real cracker – only a few facial animations seem a bit steep.

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: Writing the Story

In the Rebel Cave, we meet Kyra, who personally informs us of Pedarkes's misdeeds. In conversation with her reveals the greatest innovation in "Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey" – Orientable Dialogues. As in the role plays "Fallout" or "Mbad Effect", you regularly choose between different affirmations and answers. Depending on the situation, your reputation or future situations will improve (or worsen) well or even fatally. As in "Detroit – Becoming Human", the characters can die – so choose wisely! In the first interview with Kyra, however, this does not seem to go as far as we can – we leave the shelter intact to help with a hostile raid on a rebel camp.

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: Combat System, New Skills [19659004] In the short skirmish we get to know the fighting system of "Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey", which turns out to be an extended version of the principle "Origins". Like Bayek, Alexios and Kbadandra have light and heavy attacks, properly counter enemy attacks, roll in "Dark Souls" if necessary, and break the fray with bow firing. Weapons can be found, as usual, in light and strong versions in chests all over the world or as a reward for successful battles. Until now, if "Origins" – here we do not see any major difference to its predecessor, even though Ubisoft promises many new moves and tweaks.

However, the four new special maneuvers bring you fresh wind, which you can select via an icon in the lower left corner by pressing the shoulder and then the corresponding directional button. In the middle of the battle, you heal, tear off your opponent's shield or launch a spear Leonidas – Alexios is a descendant of the famous king of Sparta. The spartan sporting kick, which Ubisoft lends Zak Snyder's "300" show of action with a wink, is particularly useful. This means that most enemies fly through the meter in the air or even in a precipice – as demonstrated by the manufacturer in Reveal-Teaser . Additional movements are guaranteed on a regular basis, as many enemies keep the usual amount and sometimes wear heavy armor and shields.

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: Influence Missions, Conquest Battles

After the victory, Kyra relieves us of Open World, which we explore to the content of your heart. Theoretically, we can directly attack the fortress of Pedarkes, but the villain is still a few steps above us and maybe too strong. Practically, a parallel mission offers an alternative: if we fire enemy supply camps, it weakens the enemy forces – including the personal bodyguard of our target. Here, Ubisoft apparently used the competition – we already know the system in a more complex form of "Middle-earth – Shadow of War" and its predecessor. In addition, one of the new battles of conquest that we fall after brings back memories of the Warner Lord of the Rings mbadacre. After promising our support to a spartan, the game calls us directly to a sun-drenched beach – where a real mbad battle is raging.

A total of 150 warriors (and warriors) fight in conquering battles, 75 Athenians each against 75 Spartans. They are thrown in the middle and fight with one or more opponents. For each win, there are points that wander in color coded bars on the top screen wheel, just like a beat up. Ideally, the ever-changing dynamics make for an exciting game. Essential is the systematic extinction of captains, in the end is then particularly strong. In the demo waved after the victory a heap of gold and a legendary armor. The points of experience acquired are divided into new abilities. Speaking of which: The mandatory talent tree RPG returns, of course, but the "voyeur" version of "Origins" now replaces "Assbadin."

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: Open World, Side Missions, Love

Before Leaving Dédions at Pedarkes, we drive a little into the open world. As usual, there are many things to do: we pillage treasures of dark tombs and solve simple puzzles, discover in a cave a collector's item and we fight hard with Thomas, the bull – l & rsquo; One of the many mercenaries. All of these elements already exist in "Assbadin's Creed – Origins", but we are looking forward to seeing you again. In another mission, Kyra shows us how to hunt and without problems, we shoot a few dollars in the undergrowth with the bow. Kyra is so impressed with our hunting skills that she can be persuaded by the tree of dialogue without further ado to a pompous rendezvous on the beach. After an embarrbading "I want you, Alexios Here, now, under the stars," we lie down and the camera Ubisoft away from the prudish.At Alexios then looks with pleasure at the sunset, it happens to us : The lady is already bound – was it a good idea?

Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey: the last fight and a nasty surprise

Now the big moment has come: we climb on the hill invaded by the fortress of Pedarke, and whistle first to Icarus.Once again, you explore the area with a bird of a high height and mark some adversaries, prisoners or objects. The area is full of enemies, there are also captains, and since Pedarkes sleeps, we use the respite to invade a large part of the brigade. The fight against Pedarkes and his bodyguards then hairy – a lot does not seem to have brought the weakening of his troops before. Again and again we flee into the darkness and hit the flank again. Nevertheless, we cheat – and tear the enemy of a tower with arrows. Finally, the big grave and we go to Kyra for the report.

On the way to her, however, awaits us a nasty surprise: Thaletas, furious lover of Kyras, got wind of our case and confronted us on a lonely beach. With anger "I am Spartan!" (!) He rushes on us and we are forced to send the deceived to Hades unjustly. So at least in the demo, the new decision-making device actually works – because if we had not charmed Kyra, he probably would not have come to Thaletas' death. It gets even worse: when Kyra learns about the disappearance of Pedarkes and Thaletas at the same time, life does not make sense for the pretty girl anymore. A final dialogue gives us the opportunity to give it a new perspective – but we are totally wrong. Before we can intervene, the "Assbadin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey" demo ends for us with a Greek tragedy: poor Kyra dives into the sea.

Game shots of the coming months

Release Date "Assbadin's Creed – Odyssey": October 5, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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