"At VfB, Klinsmann still answers the phone" | Football | SWR Sport


Jürgen Klinsmann can imagine a quick return to the world of football. Even a sports director job is possible. According to SWR, a position at VfB Stuttgart would be an option for Klinsmann.

The attachment to his old club still exists. "At VfB Stuttgart, Jürgen Klinsmann would still answer the phone," said his consultant Roland Eitel at SWR. However, a return to the bank is inconceivable, but only in a different function, continued Eitel: "As a coach, he would only work as a national coach."

"Jürgen is currently at home in California"

Concretely, however, nothing is yet, continues the counselor: "Jürgen is currently at home in California."

"I notice that it attracts me with my experience of almost 40 years and my network in professional circus," Klinsmann recently told the "Stuttgarter Zeitung", which had fueled the rumor.

He could "also occupy a position of sports director, who works strategically in an badociation or badociation and draws a more general picture," said the player aged 54. "I am open to everything."

Back to Europe or Germany

Due to the interview and general criticism addressed to the sports director of the VfB Michael Reschke, Klinsmann returns to the kriselnden VfB Stuttgart.

Since he left the US national team in November 2016, the California elite is unworthy of professional football. He could "imagine a return to Europe or Germany," said the former coach of Bayern Munich. "The decisive factor is that in a club you have good relationships, shared values ​​and goals, that your sporting appeal and your identity are right."

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