Beckenbauer for the finish in World Cup: delay on the attitude of the players


Beckenbauer at the start of the World Cup: Delay in the attitude of players

Wednesday, July 18, 23.07 hours: Franz Beckenbauer at the first World Cup of the German national team football "on the attitude of the players" returned. "So you can not play at the World Cup," said the 72-year-old "Bild Newspaper". Football is above all a racing game. "But there was no willingness to do that – the team did more on the contrary, what their Löw applied," Beckenbauer said. France coach Didier Deschamps and Brazil's Mario Zagallo, one of three footballers who became world champions as players and coaches 16, say the coach of France 39th national team Joachim Loew continues despite the abandonment of the World Cup. in the interview "picture" as "a reasonable decision". But it was not a new start, he said. "Jogi will have to change a few things after the seasoned players refuse to play," said the football emperor. "Löw must be hard at the appointment, the gratitude does not take him further," he said.

Beckenbauer will be honored as a century athlete on Saturday in Munich at the Bavarian Sports Award ceremony. "It's a great reward that makes me very proud," he said.

The leader of the Saxon Federation criticizes the extension Löw

Tuesday, June 17, 2018, 13:20: The chairman of the Saxon Football Association (SFV) criticized the extension of the coach Joachim Loew's contract even before the World Cup. The ARD magazine "made" (Tuesday) said Hermann Winkler, usually counting the first performance. "The contract was valid until 2020. Why this extension of contract had to be made, does not open to us. Also, we need to discuss these issues," he said. Winkler still Winkler criticized that Löw himself with the badysis of error for the premature departure of the national team was entrusted. That this badysis has just been published at the beginning of the Bundesliga season, he considers problematic: "It's as if I invited all my friends to the barbecue party, knowing that they are all on vacation, well, I can not do that I do not want to be perverted. "

Winkler called on the DFB to pay more attention in the future to the interests of amateurs and to the football base. The Bureau should listen to the clubs that represent it. "The connection is back and the gap between professional sportsmen or participants in the World Cup and amateur sports is not even greater," says the CDU MEP

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