Best German Pro: Max Hopp wants to reach last day in Darts-EM


The Englishman Wilson is the next hurdle for Max Hopp in Dortmund. If Hesse wins again, he plays the last day of the European darts champion title. Hopp is waiting for a very special atmosphere.


October 27, 2018, 4:50

The best German darts professional Max Hopp is aiming for the European Championships in Dortmund, entering the quarterfinals.

"This may even be the biggest backdrop I've ever played, I'm looking forward to it, it's a longer format that suits me," said Hopp after his 6- 1 on the Irish William O & # 39; Connor, marked by public scandals and repeated provocations of his rival.

Saturday at the Westfalenhalle, up to 7000 spectators are expected, only played in the evening. This time, it is not six but ten innings that must be won.

With James Wilson waiting in the second round, no insoluble task. Especially since Hopp sees the public, who encourages it again and again, as an important factor. "Of course, the audience here is supportive," said Idsteiner, 22.

His 2016 ranking points have defended Hopp so that he can no longer fall in the fights for the title in Dortmund. "That was an important factor before the game, and everything I do now is only an badet," said The Maximizer.

Hopp will be the last German hope of the tournament on Saturday night. Martin Schindler delivered a tough fight to James Wade, a world-clbad player on Friday, but was defeated 3: 6 in the end. Due to their good performances on the European circuit, Hopp and Schindler are expected to be present at the world championships in London this year.

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