Bierhoff criticizes: Football players lose touch with reality



criticism of Bierhoff Football players lose touch with reality

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  Christoph Cöln

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Özil's Debate – Bierhoff pours oil on fire

The subject of Erdogan's photo by Mesut Özil dominated the headlines during the World Cup. Now she gets through the statements of the new director of the DFB team, Oliver Bierhoff.

With his criticism of Mesut Özil, Oliver Bierhoff also expresses his mistrust of the current international generation. He is right. Superstars lose touch with reality.

A On Mesut Özil's Instagram profile, many photos have recently seen the footballer wearing a special jersey. It's number ten. Midfielders like Günther Netzer, Diego Maradona and Zinedine Zidane were numbered. Özil wins all ten of next season at Arsenal London. It means a special obligation, the duty of entertainment, the entertainment of the mbades.

In the national team, Özil rarely entertained fans. For the gala performances he inspired the DFB jersey barely. The eagle on his chest narrowed to the sparrow. Özil was just one of many in a casual and offhand team. At the World Cup in Russia, he did not reach almost his altitude. He played as a 99, not like a 10.

This director of the national team Oliver Bierhoff in the interview with WELT reflected, he was quite considered leaving Özil at home, confirms the impression that the credit of the same superstar with Joachim Loew

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  Oliver Bierhoff, champion of Europe since 1996, since 2004 manager of the German National Football Team [19659016] And even though Bierhoff has completed the statement by adding "for sporting reasons", he did shortly thereafter, it was clear that it was not just the symptoms of football deficiency of Özil who were driving the DFB to rethink his approach to the superstar. </p>
<h3 clbad= The Worst World Cup Team

Top footballer circles every day. They care more about self-marketing for the needs of their climbing entourage and their social media followers. Provide their followers (in the case of Özil, there are now 40 million, you add those on Twitter and Instagram) with icy photos of privacy and forget how to work on the spirit of team at work. It is not stolen. It is also not delivered on request because we only order a dozen Adiletten times. You have to work on it.

Title Brings the one with the best team spirit. And Germany had at this World Cup – in terms of its ability to play – the worst team spirit of all.

This is the constantly bloodless appearance of many international, concerned DFB officials. Must prepare. If the lawn becomes a secondary playground as a real playground for the pros, the focus is gradually put on social networks, something is fundamentally wrong. Then, the protagonists move away from the sport. And vice versa. The football field has always attracted the self-promoters and types of heroes as a stage for the public show, always balancing on the thin line of special interests and collaborative efforts. Özil seems currently overwhelmed by both. Regarding WORLD, DFB manager Bierhoff warned that the players were too "busy with themselves". Özil and Ilkay Gündogan are the best example. His meeting with Erdogan was useless, inappropriate and came at the wrong time. Their dealings with the case were even worse, and one wonders what all advisers, managers and confidants do in the microcosm of a highly paid football professional? Nobody told them that it may not have been the best idea to meet the autocrat of the Bosphorus? Is this more daring, because the contradiction between billionaires kicking is about as popular as a power cut at the Play Station?

In the bath of admiration

The DFB also irritated by his tolerance in the case. They dragged the mortgage with them to Watutinki, where he became bigger and eventually hung like lead vests on the players. The title defense project has not been set aside by Erdogan, but Erdogan has become synonymous with easy manipulation, just how far the current generation of professionals around Ozil is remote

<img data -src = "" style = "background-image: url ('');" data-component = "LazyLoad" src = "" clbad = "c-fallback-image – has-no- placeholder "alt =" Republic of Korea v Germany: Group F – 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia [19659025] Mesut Özil and the German national team failed at the World Cup in the group stage

Source: Getty Images / Catherine Ivill

Bierhoff also alludes to this when he speaks of the "obvious reasons" that the 29-year-olds prevented them from commenting on the Erdogan affair. With Turkish roots and kinship ties to Turkey, Özil is constantly confronted with the challenge of uniting the cultural and political contradictions inherent in his biography – a complex and demanding task that does not necessarily help you if you you constantly put in the bubble bath of admiration.And there is no one to get you out of the b so hot, you face a despot as Erdogan as any other disciple. Selfie and autograph included.

Joachim Loew could blow in the bubbles after the sadomaso-out at the World Cup. For a moment, he could not invite superstars like Özil to wait and see if Arsenal London's midfielder really plays as spectacular as dozens of Zidane. Or he sticks to his team in the club like a chewing gum burst. Loew could do it by baduming that he is not squatting already in the bubble.

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