Boris Becker on the separation of Lilly and their son Amadeus


The tennis legend also commented on the conflict, in which even the police had to settle: "As you all know, I have a very spirited woman and she can become stronger." […] My son Elias was at the House and called me and said "Daddy is coming home!" And I said, "I just can not do it right now, I'm in the middle!" And then the spirits calmed down again, and I hope we'll finish soon. "The relationship has cooled considerably since then. "[wir] does not communicate with as much love as it once did."

For Amadeus, he praised at least the best: "Of course it's a divorce. for money. But I will take care of my son Amadeus and my other children. And my wife will certainly be good at it. […] I already have some marks or euros or pounds, but maybe not as much as ten years ago. "

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