Brazilians – Reuter breaks spear for Caiuby – Bundesliga season 2017/18


How to continue with Caiuby (29) at FC Augsburg?

Today, at 10:30 am, the FCA returns to the field for the first time after returning from the training camp. But it is unlikely that the Brazilian (who participated in an extended stay of nine days because of this, missed the training camp in South Tyrol) is unlikely. It would be atypical for FCA to publicly display the holiday coat.

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Photo: Witters

"data-zoom-src =" global player champion now see-it-in- Augsburg-behind-his-players-200777900-56291312 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Manager Stefan Reuter was world champion as a player. Now he sees Augsburg behind his players Photo: Witters

BILD also knows: A looting of the attacker is on the table!

The manager Stefan Reuter (51) even broke a spear for his professional problem, compared it with a legend from Dortmund: "At BVB, Julio Cesar was happy to have come a day or two by the end of But he had a great acceptance in the team because he gave everything when he was on the field.It's the same with Caiuby! "

Means: The Brazilian will leave with a warning and a fine and will continue to wear the FCA jersey.

Would his teammates like that too? In any case, Captain Daniel Baier (34) told the local station "": "We are angry and a little disappointed by him."

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