BVB boss Hans-Joachim Watzke would pay 100 million for Robert Lewandowski – Bundesliga season 2017/18


What would the Dortmund boss Hans-Joachim Watzke (59 years old) have had unlimited resources and could wish a player? He would buy Robert Lewandowski (29 years old)!

Watzke in an interview in the current issue of SPORT BILD: "We still have a vacant position in the attack.Well Robert knows the company, the league, even the club and we know that & # 39; It will work right away.This security can only be granted to a few players in the world.For such a player, I would be willing to pay sometimes 100 million euros.Only a transfer in the Robert's case is not feasible because he no longer returns to BVB and Bayern does not want to give it to him. "

Basically, Watzke believes that the transfer fee alone does not have more than meaning. What matters is the overall package!

Watzke: "You have to get rid of the transfer fees and badyze and evaluate the player in a sporty and economical way.If I invested 100 million in a player over 30, the 100 million are I can not resell such a player later.If I could – and this is only a fictional example – Kylian Mbappe (19, ed.) For 100 million obligations, but I would have done it immediately.Lucky would be big enough, eventually will make it profitable. "

The one who has to pay for the best stars with a potential of 100 million euros, is for Watzke the reality. The boss of Dortmund explains: "We could also manage that if we absolutely want to have a player and we are convinced of a thousand percent, but I am honest: I much prefer to train such players myself.The BVB was always the louder when he developed his stars. "

What Watzke is talking about a possible transfer of Croatian star Mario Mandzukic (32), the engagement of Matthias Sammer (50) as a consultant and congratulations Ex-coach Jürgen Klopp (51) says, read the full interview in the current issue of SPORT BILD.

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