BVB Head Watzke unpacks podcast BILD – Players are ICH-AG – and have too much power! – Bundesliga season 2017/18


When the boss of the BVB tells a casual story of what is really happening in his club …

Hans-Joachim Watzke (59 years) is the next guest of Julian Nagelsmann in the new podcast of BILD PHRASENMÄHER [19659003]] The interview is now available on and on streaming platforms Spotify, iTunes, Deezer and Soundcloud.


And Watzke makes for entertaining 45 minutes!

The Bundesliga maker reveals, for example, that after home games, the performances of their own ranked players. What does it look like?

Watzke: "We do it only after home games, when I sit with my deepest circle, my closest badociates who I trust, we often sit together later after match, drinking a drink to get off and finally distribute scores … "

He explains:" It's "closed", completely secret.It's fun, there's a lot of talk about individual notes There are also "five point" notes. "They do not exist on BILD (but smooth notes 1 through 6). Watzke laughs: "We are going further out there …"

And further: "We are sitting with six, seven, eight people, then we go away, the first one starts, then has to evaluate the Bürki and that 39 is all around, everyone joins in. And then in the next position, Lukas Piszczek, then the next one has to start, because the one who starts has the hardest, and the others then try not to overdo it. but the fact that we always start driving like that sometimes does not stop there. "

Why all this? "It's cool, but in the end, it's a joke …"

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Photo: Fabian Matzerath

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Kai Traemann, editor of BILD (left), spoke about the pressure in professional football and Mario Götze to the director general of BVB, Hans-Joachim Watzke Photo: Fabian Matzerath

In addition , Watzke talks about … 19659007] … the pressure in professional football: "The pressure is the real problem! In fact, it's a dream job. I would not want anything to do something else in the world, but what I'm doing now, but the pressure on the results is of course already great! "

… the ever-increasing distance between players and fans : "We have this topic everywhere, we have them at Borussia Dortmund, we certainly have them at Bayern, we have them in the national team."

The main problem in this respect view: "Today's players have many more opportunities to position themselves." They have teams of advisors ers, media consultants and I do not know anything. This is essentially all the I / O that you are trying to group together. For a common goal. And it's relatively difficult. We are currently trying to reverse this with BVB. A very big task also by Sebastian Kehl! "

Will it work?" We will try if we can do such a reversal of the trend. But I'm not sure it can really work … "

Do players have too much power?

" Yes, definitely. From our point of view, clearly. Of course, the players have too much power!

In the podcast, Watzke also says that he would very much like to bring Robert Lewandowski and Mats Hummels from FC Bayern into a "dream world". Where the BVB has, in his opinion, had a rather moderate experience with the players of the record champion.

Watzke: "Basically, it's always difficult.If a player from Bayern Munich then returns to BVB or another club, it's also a sign for the player that he's n & # 39; 39 has not worked optimally in Bayern because if it had worked optimally, it would not come back to us normally.You must also take it into account.The player may also feel that it is a bit of a failure .

Which brings us to Mario Götze, among others …

Watzke says about problematic child BVB: "In the end, I believe that Favre Now, try to help him mbadively.And the rest Mario has to do.It is also clear: it is certainly not with him at will.He is very professional, he does and does everything.And yet you feel that something is missing and only the player can solve this in cooperation with the coach. e and see if it works. "

Does the Psyche also play a role in Götze?

Watzke:" I think it is the least that one can say. I think Mario is a smart boy. He knows exactly what it is. Of course, he must know: it's a decisive season for him now! "

And for the near future BVB, Watzke has a very special dream:" I would like once again for all Borussia the shell around the Let go Borsigplatz. It's cool … "


The new podcast "Phrasenmäher"

Listen to the stars of the Bundesliga talk in detail about the history of football, their daily lives, anecdotes, future projects and problems!

The new podcast "Phrasenmäher" by BILD offers intense ideas and relaxed conversations. Once a month, BILD meets a head of the Bundesliga. Two podcast parts are created from this conversation.

You can listen to them on and on the streaming platforms Soundcloud, Spotify, Deezer and iTune. Here you can also subscribe to the "Phrasenmäher". Then you will always be informed immediately when a new episode is released

Podcast The first part of the interview with BVB boss Hans-Joachim Watzke (59) is now available. Part 2 will follow July 22 in the form of a podcast – as well as in the form of an article written on and BILD am SONNTAG.


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