Century Eclipse: Lunar Eclipse 2018: What does Bloodmoon mean? – Celebrities, Curiosities, TV


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On July 27, 2018, Germany lives a centennial lunar eclipse. When exactly is it visible and what is behind the term bloodmoon? All information here.

For millennia, the moon has fascinated people – especially when it suddenly darkens. A lunar eclipse has always been a special event and is still here today.

It will soon be time: at the end of July, the moon will move in the shadow of the earth and the sky show will also be shown on Germany. 19659005] Lunar Eclipse 2018: When will the Blood Moon be seen in the sky?

The lunar eclipse of 2018 will take place on July 27th. With a duration of 103 minutes, it is the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. Since the whole event takes place in the twilight phase, the photographers get what they pay for (if there are no clouds in the sky). And even the calendar is doing well with observers because the eclipse of the century is on a Friday night.

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Between 21:30 and 23:13, during the eclipse of July 27, the moon is completely in the shadow of the Earth

Lunar eclipse – How does it work?

A lunar eclipse occurs at the full moon and only when the moon is The Earth and the Sun are in a very specific constellation. For a lunar eclipse, the moon must enter the shadow of the Earth. The earth is then between the sun and the moon. According to the magnitude of the shadow that the Earth projects on the Moon, we see a partial lunar eclipse or total

The lunar eclipse, which takes place on July 27, 2018, is a lunar eclipse total. This means that in the course of darkness, the moon enters completely into the shadow of the earth. Incidentally, the maximum duration of a total lunar eclipse is 106 minutes

Moon of blood, red moon, lunar eclipse: what difference?

A lunar eclipse can be total or partial, depending on whether the Moon enters completely into the shadow of the Earth. or only partially. When the moon is completely in the shadow of the earth, the light is broken in a special way, especially the long wave red parts. The moon is then still dimly visible and stands in the sky like a blood moon or a red moon

When will see a blood moon in Germany the next lunar eclipse but one? January 2019. It will also be seen in Germany – if the weather plays the game. (Sli)

  Wunibald Wölre Sankt Ottilien.jpg

Lunar Eclipse: This is so that our readers have seen the show in the sky

Image: Reader Wunibald Wölre (Sankt Ottilien)

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