Confused settlement with Germany – Özils Jammer-resignation – football


His settlement with Germany and his resignation came in English and were built as a criminal series.

In three parts, Mesut Özil wrote on Facebook at intervals of several hours, which embarrbades him to the DFB, the media, his sponsors, the school of his childhood all that was mean with him . Criticizing everything except himself

His message: One person made no mistake – ME, Mesut Özil.

His embittered message to Germany: "If we win, I am German If we lose, I am an immigrant."

And: "The treatment I received from the DFB means that I no longer want to wear the German jersey.I feel involuntary. "

BILD badyzes Jammer's sometimes confusing invoice from Özil and in the sole resignation statement from the history of the German football.

The first of the three parts is replaced by "Meeting with President Erdogan". For the first time Özil commented that. But after two months of reflection, no hint of self-criticism.

"Although I grew up in Germany, my roots are in Turkey.I have two hearts, a German and a Turkish.My mother has learned to never forget about my work. Where I came from These are the values ​​that I think so far … The photo with President Erdogan was not about politics but about respect for the highest function of the country of my family. " 19659009] <img clbad = "photo zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " -ruecktritt-200864298-56397578 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Özil Jammer resignation "data-zoom-title =" Qualification for the Cup of the World vs. Norway: Emre Can (left) And Mesut Özil leave the field May have canceled the meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan while Özil and Ilkay Gündogan have promised the Turkish President

Photo: Imago

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World Cup Qualification against Norway: Emre Can (left) And Mesut Özil leave the field. May cancel the meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, while Özil and Ilkay Gündogan have promised the Turkish president Photo: Imago

BILD badysis: Although Özil evokes his "values". But he ignores that Erdogan is not for, but against the values ​​of his German and Turkish homeland. Moderately religious and freedom-loving Turkey is increasingly turning Erdogan into an Islamist dictatorship. Free media and freedom of expression have almost extinguished Erdogan, and German and Turkish journalists have been detained without charge for criticizing Erdogan. Not a word of this in Özil's post Jammer on Facebook

Özil: "Whether it is the German President or the Turkish President would not have made any difference in my actions."

BILD badysis: An absurd equation of the federal president, which represents a democracy and has no real power and Erdogans, which is taking more and more authority, has fired tens of thousands of critical civil servants in his state apparatus and sees himself as sole ruler.

Özil: "Whatever the outcome of the last Elections, or the election before, I would have done the picture again."

The badysis of the photo: pure stubbornness. In Germany, Erdogan achieved his best result among Turks living abroad – not only of course, but also thanks to the support of the Özil election campaign. Above all absurd: the Turks living in freedom in Germany have chosen a dictator for their compatriots in Turkey. The fact that Özil contributed to it does not bother him.

Part 2 of the Özil bill entitled "Media and Sponsors".

<img clbad = "image zoomable ondemand" src = "data: image / base; R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " ruecktritt-200863856-56397680 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Özils Jammer-resignation "data-zoom-title =" Pronounced, he did not bring : National coach Jogi Löw, Mesut Özil, DFB President Reinhard Grindel, Ilkay Gündogan and National Team Director Oliver Bierhoff (from left to right)

Photo: dpa

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Spoken, she brought nothing: coach Jogi Löw, Mesut Özil, DFB president, Reinhard Grindel, Ilkay Gündogan and national team manager Oliver Bierhoff (1945) -1996). Photo: dpa

Özil: "What I can not accept is that the media is pushing the wrong world championship of a whole team on my double origin and a photo."

The image badysis: a complete nonsense, pure self-pity. No newspaper, website, no German broadcaster has made Özil's Turkish roots responsible for the national team disaster. Freely invented by Özil to become a victim of racist injustice in the media.

Özil: "Some German newspapers use my origin and my photo with Erdogan as right-wing propaganda to advance their political agenda."

BILD Analysis: Here Özil is dangerously close to Erdogan and other despots in his worldview. Anyone who dares to criticize it must have a political agenda.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " /oezils-jammer-ruecktritt-200864305-56397632/3,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Özils Jammer- Resignation "data-zoom-title =" Mesut Özil in 2012 during of a photo shoot for Mercedes

photo: Imago

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Mesut Özil in 2012 during a photo shoot for Mercedes Photo: Imago

Özil: "Why would the media use my name and photo to explain our departure to Russia?" [19659008] BILD badysis: Because Özil delivered as a central player a grottenschlechte, apathetic performance that contributed significantly to the historic failure of the preliminary round.

Özil: "The media did not criticize my performance, but only my Turkish origin … The newspapers tried to bring Germany against me."

ANALYSIS OF THE IMAGE: fictitious mischief. ALL media have rightly criticized Özil's performance, no major media brand has ever criticized its origins. A daring towards the free media of his homeland, to which Özil condemns the generalization and without any evidence of racism.

Özil: "I am disappointed that the media measure with double standards Lothar Matthäus met another political leader (Putin) and was hardly criticized by the media … If the media thought I should be expelled of the national team, would not Matthieu then be refused the position of honorary chief? Am I a better target because of my Turkish roots? "

BILD badysis: Özil s & # 39; add to his role as victim, which has nothing to do with reality. Most of the German media TROTZ photos of Erdogan have never demanded his expulsion, even BILD not. Lothar Matthäus was strongly criticized for meeting Putin – including BILD –

Özil also complains of being discharged because of the anger provoked by Erdogan's photo of his old school in Gelsenkirchen . BILD could not verify it.

Özil: "In addition, another partner gave me up. It is also a partner of the DFB, before the World Cup, I was asked to participate in promotional videos. After my photo with President Erdogan, they took me out of the countryside. It was no longer acceptable that she be seen with me. It's very ironic because a German ministry has declared their products illegal because they contained unauthorized software that increased the risks to the customer. Hundreds of thousands of products have been recalled. While I was criticized and asked by the DFB to explain my actions, there was no such official and public appeal to the DFB sponsor. Why? Am I right that it's way worse than a photo with the president of my family's country? "

BILD badysis: Özil is playing here on the Mercedes sponsor of the DFB and the scandal of diesel.The fact is that the Ministry of Transport has strongly criticized Mercedes, that Mercedes has used illegal software is very controversial.But above all, that has absolutely nothing to do with Özil and Erdogan's photo. "A distraction maneuver." Especially disturbing: this kind of "the others are even worse" rhetoric is only a few words. a typical stylistic instrument in the speeches of Turkish President Erdogan …

At 8:10 pm comes the 3rd part, entitled only "DFB" A radical strike against the badociation and especially the boss Reinhard Grindel. as German football has never known it!

Özil: "Reinhard Grindel said after the World Cup, I should explain myself. But I do not speak for him now, but because I want him. I will no longer be the scapegoat for his incompetence and his inability to do his job well … In the eyes of Grindel and his supporters, I'm German, if we win and immigrants, if we lose … there criteria to be a real German, that I do not fulfill? … is it because I am a Muslim? … I was born and I was educated in Germany. Why do not people agree that I am German?

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: // images / fotos-scale / oezils- scrambler-revert-200864312-56397666 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Resignation of Jammer Özil "data-zoom- title =" 2010, Prize of the bay leaf silver to the national team: Mesut Özil (right) receives the honorary badge of Chancellor Angela Merkel

Photo: Imago

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2010, Silver Laurel Leaf awarded to the national team: Mesut Özil (right) Receives the badge of honor of German Chancellor Angela Merkel Photo: Imago

Reinhard Grindel, I am disappointed but not surprised by your actions … When you were still a member of the Bundestag, you said that Islamic culture is rooted in German cities. This is unforgettable and unforgivable. "

BILD Analysis: Özil is clearly the victim of a campaign of hatred that is racist and anti-Islamist on the part of the DFB, a charge that could hardly be more difficult. once, Özil makes it too easy.For his picture of Erdogan, he was criticized in all political camps.He completely ignores that the campaign for a dictator is actually incompatible with the values ​​of the DFB and the country DFB was still indulgent and indulgent, his account is completely detached from his own behavior

Özil writes: "When I tried to explain to Grindel my inheritance, my ancestors and the reasons for the photo, he was much more interested in his own political opinions, speaks and downplayed my opinion.In the course of events, I also met with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.In contrast to Grindel , President St einmeier was a professional and interested in what I had to say about my family, my background and my choices. I agree with President Steinmeier that we would be making a joint statement with a view to returning to the agenda and focusing on football again. Grindel was angry that his team did not publish the first statement, but the Steinmeier press service had the hat on the subject. "
BILD Analysis: If Özil's ferocious allegations apply and DFB chairman Grindel vanity a joint statement with hobbled the federal president in the run-up to the tournament, it would be hard to sustain. Ozil, Ozil gave a sad image to Grindel and the leadership of the DFB.It failed from the start the necessary consequence.The scandal of Özil also earned him a scandal. for the DFB, which had a significant influence on the appearance of the World Cup and on the mood of the German National Team

Özil: "If the top officials of the DFB do not respect my Turkish roots and use me for political propaganda, that's enough. This is not what I play football. I will not go back and do nothing. Racism should never be accepted

ANALYSIS OF THE IMAGE: A charge that is directed not only to Grindelwald but also to land. Özil claims that no one has opposed the "racist" Grindel to protect him. A slap in the face for millions of fans who admired and praised him without prejudice. And for those who took it – as well as BILD – against racism in protection. The xenophobic insults of a fan after the South Korean match, the Özil describes also condemns BILD in the strictest.

Global Verdict: An Arrogance to Beat Jammer-Resignation!

Turkish politicians praise Özil

Turkish government politicians defeated Özil's statement on the side of the footballer. Sports Minister Mehmet Kasapoglu tweeted Sunday night: "We wholeheartedly support the honorable attitude of our brother Mesut Özil."

Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül congratulated Özil on Twitter: "I congratulate Mesut Özil, who has left the German national team scored his finest goal against the fascist virus.That your path and your happiness you be open. "

The spokesman of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ibrahim Kalin, hailed Özil's statement that he would meet the Turkish president again. Then Kalin wrote on Twitter: "But imagine the pressures Mr. Mesut has been exposed to in this process. Where did politeness, tolerance, pluralism …?! "

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