Developer received death threat from butterflies


No Man's Sky 2016 was considered a scandal game. Head of title, Sean Murray, even received death threats because he was missing butterflies. How did it go, he says now, two years later.

The Promise : The No Man's Sky game was released in 2016 for PS4 and PC. Before the release, there was a huge hype around the game. This was triggered by euphoric interviews that the boss, Sean Murray, gave to the press. The developer, Sean Murray, even introduced the game on American talk shows.

The studio seemed to promise a dynamic world driven by complex algorithms. Players should be able to discover many things

Many have felt that the game of the decade, or even the century, was approaching us, opening up new horizons.

 No Mans Sky Fat 2 [19659006] No Mans Sky Fat 2

The Reality: When the game came out, it was bought like crazy . But No Man's Sky itself was far below the hype fans' huge expectations in 2016. They had the feeling of sitting on a sham. The game looked in the eyes of many "flat and unfinished." The complexity was felt little. The fury of the Internet has spilled over the game and over developer Sean Murray.

Sean Murray and No Man's Sky became a showcase for "games that promise a lot and hold little." A reputation that has always been Peter in the previous generation attached Molyneux. Also many lousy and ridiculous videos came:

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The developer says: I was naive and euphoric

Little contact with the press since: In recent years, Sean Murray has been Is rare. All that he promised in interviews for No Man's Sky came later to his loss when little of it was found in the game. Understandable that we do not want so often give interviews.

Now, however, Murray spoke on the occasion of the new update "Next" with the press, the British The Guardian. In the interview, he talks about the difficult time that he had after "No Man's Sky", where he became one of the most hated figures of the gaming scene.

 no mans sky terminal 2

How to explain errors?

"Internet is very good to know when someone has made a mistake.But it is not great to find the best answer.We certainly made a lot of mistakes in communication. I never liked talking to the press I did not like doing it And if I had done it, then I was naive and I was looking forward to playing too much to my game. There were a lot of things around the launch that I regret today and would do differently. "

What was the worst reaction from the fans?

"I remember getting a death threat because Butterfly was in the original The trailer was, you could see the butterflies in the way, but in the finished game there was no I remember thinking, "If you send in some of the death threats involving butterflies in a video game, you could be the villain in the story."

What has happened since? Murray and his team Since 2016, we are working to make "No Man's Sky" the game that it should be for the release. update "Next" comes in. We've introduced it here.

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