Diablo Immortal – Empty Snake on BlizzCon: Too few players


Immortal Diablo meets little favor - in the network as on the BlizzCon.Immortal Diablo meets little favor – in the network as on the BlizzCon.

A new Diablo on BlizzCon (although this is not the expected Diablo 4) and even playable – it is an obvious badumption that the game can hardly escape the haste. But Diablo Immortal has sparked more enthusiasm than enthusiasm among many fans, and you can tell it during the show. We saw every Saturday only once a queue on the stand of the game, and the developers apparently had just technical problems and could not use all the game stations.

Well, it's not that no one wanted to play Diablo Immortal – on the contrary! In general, we had the impression that about two thirds or three quarters of the available cell phones were occupied. But this alone is remarkable because in the other stands was always the highest peak. From the new version of Firecracker Warcraft 3: Reforged to Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm, which has little to offer more than a new hero, players lined up everywhere to get the last available slot. In comparison, Diablo Immortal was downright dead.

No waiting line

Exceptionally, a handful of people in front of the stand was a real snake that we have never seen.

Unoccupied play stations

Although some people wanted to play Diablo Immortal, most phones were free.

For comparison: Heroes of the Storm

Although HotS did not always form a giant snake, he was waiting for at least a visible crowd of spectators. One player was sitting on each machine, even though there was only one new heroin here.

By the way, there was a similar picture in the press section: once, we saw 12 people playing Overwatch, while only one player was arguing over the Diablo Immortal demo.

Immortal becomes the first Mobile Diablowhile many fans of BlizzCon had hoped for more PC content or even new titles, such as a remastering for Diablo 2. Some players also criticized the fact that it was not developed solely by Blizzard, but in partnership with the mobile developer Netease. However, in the BlizzCon panel on the world and Diablo Immortal's story, chief designer Wyatt Cheng again clarified that this was not the only Diablo game in development: "We have several projects in progress. construction with several teams! " Maybe one of them is a Diablo 4, as we wish?

For example, the Blizzard would develop Diablo 4 15 years ago

Diablo Immortal - Blizzard ignores its most loyal fans and collects a disaster BlizzCon "width =" 16 "height =" 9


Diablo Immortal – Blizzard ignores its most dedicated fans and reap disaster from BlizzCon

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