Erdogan controls the anti-German campaign after Özil-Aus – Germany


Resignation of Mesut Özil from the national football team, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan apparently uses for his own purposes. Since Tuesday on social networks, a campaign that is apparently controlled by the ruling party AKP Turkish.

Under the hashtag "We are with Özil" – to the German in "We are behind Özil" – Twitter users powered by Erdogan accused Turkish citizens of being exposed to racist attacks in Germany. The leader of the AKP, Erdogan, acknowledged the resignation of Özil as a patriotic act and denounced "racist attitude" in Germany against the footballer. Corresponding tweets also sold the AKP under the hashtag "We are with Özil".

The protection of the Constitution warns against "verbal humor"

Some users who propagate anti-German messages under the motto are now also in the same vein. For example, a Twitter user says: "Since Adolf Hitler, little has changed in Germany.The racism has only been modernized recently." An badessment with the Keyhole "badysis tool" "showed that only on Twitter, more than 650 messages were distributed with the hashtag. The majority has been abandoned by users in Turkey. More than 700,000 Twitter users have reached the "We are with Özil" messages up to now. Again and again, the head of the Turkish state is trying to mobilize the approximately three million German Turks in the Federal Republic. For example, in elections in Turkey.

However, constitutional protection warns against Turkish propaganda: According to its most recent report, "In addition to the clbadic enemy images, Germany is becoming increasingly the object of." a verbal sentimentalism ".

In the video: "Simply unbearable": the old Chancellor Schröder goes on the Meuse after remarks on Özil

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