Eve Online: Project Nova – Sign up for the shooter's alpha now


You can now register for the closed alpha phase for Eve Online: Project Nova.You can now register for the closed alpha phase for Eve Online: Project Nova.

The discontinued product Dust 514 was at the time the first attempt of Eve CCP's online developer to develop a first-person shooter. The community is always in agreement: she had nice ideas, but she has many problems. The game was best known for its interaction with Eve Online: Space MMO players were able to bomb planets on the orders of Dust players. In the shooter himself, you have the scope of orbital bombardment seen. Likewise, the equipment system was popular, although it was somewhat unbalanced.

That's why fans are critical: The long trip of a shooter in the universe of Eve

The most problematic for the Eve community: it was exclusive to the console. Many players from the previous day felt excluded. Now comes Project: Nova and praises the improvement. It seems Exclusively for the PC and wants to learn about the development of Dust 514. If the project succeeds, we will know it next month. Then, the shooter's closed alpha begins. You can register now.

Horde mode in the space

Eve Vegas 2018 is currently underway. On the developer CCP has already shown a Trailer and new gameplay to the shooter standby. The speech follows today. Until now, we have seen a cooperative mode of the Horde. A little unexpected. Because although Dust 514 provided a PvE mode at the time, it was still a pure PvP shooter. And also at the announcement of Project Nova in 2016, the Icelandic developer presented a PvP mode.

In a 20 minute IGN game video, you can see exactly what you think Cooperative wait for the alpha version:

Players fight thematically on the hull of an Eve Online ship against members of the Sanshas pirates group and defend them checkpointsTo face the mbad of opponents, you can also build turrets. All this is reminiscent of a slightly slower version of the Warframe intercept mode. In total, we see three weapons: an badault rifle, a Magnum type pistol and a grenade launcher.

Where are the equipment system and Eve online connection?

Not to be seen in the video are a Login with Eve Online and an equipment system. The first one will not exist first. Already at the announcement of the project, the developer said that you want to focus on a good shooter first. You may want to reconnect Nova's economy and play later with Eve Online. But the CCP has no concrete plans yet.

There will be a system of equipment on the other hand. It just has not been shown. However, it will be slightly different from Dust 514. The Playstation 3 shooter system was almost a 1: 1 conversion from Eve Online. Each of you battlesuits has two resources: CPU and Power Grid. There were also different slots for modules that differed between Low, Medium and High. Each module consumes a certain amount of CPU and Power Grid, but improves your combination. In Nova, for example, the subdivision of individual slots is omitted.

We should learn more about the future of the gunman during the day in front of the Nova Project Keynote. If you have already played Dust 514 and are interested in Project Nova, you can always until October 28th Book your old character name and secure in-game rewards.

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Eve Online: Project Nova – The Movie Trailer Eve Shooter Shows The Life Of A Mercenary

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