Fenix: Mozilla is working on a brand new browser


Internet browsers for smartphones and tablets are becoming increasingly important because not all users are satisfied with pre-installed offers. Soon, an older industry hare offers more choice in the mobile browser market: Mozilla has been working on a new Android app for convenient internet access. This is quite surprising, because a Firefox application already exists on the Google Play Store. The Fenix ​​project is still in its infancy.

Mozilla Fenix: For the younger generation

On GitHub, users find the first entries and data for Fenix ​​- the oldest documents are only four months old. Until a finished version, so probably still time. This also suggests the number of employees because currently only three people are programming with it. Especially interesting: The browser runs under the motto "Fenix ​​is ​​not your parents 'Android browser" – in English: "Fenix ​​is ​​not your parents' Android browser". It is therefore very likely that Mozilla mainly addresses a young and techie target group. If and when "Fenix" comes on the market, we do not know.

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