For the first time in a long time … – England finally has a goalkeeper! – FIFA World Cup 2018


Jordan Pickford (24) Becomes Little by Little Jordan BIGford

In the 2-0 quarter-final win against Sweden, England's goalkeeper shone again with parades world clbad against Berg (47) and Claesson (62nd) still very big. Pickford after: "I want to become the best goalkeeper in the World Cup, as long as I can call on my performance, it helps everyone."

England finally has a goalkeeper in new

After David Seaman (52), the English were looking for a goalkeeper for a long time. With Pickford, they finally found one.

Already in the second round against Colombia he held two penalties, he became a hero. In 2-0 in the quarter-finals of the 2018 World Cup against Sweden, he showed world clbad parades against Marcus Berg (48th, 72nd) and Viktor Claesson (62nd), was the great support of his team. Has even been named "Man of the Match". Coach Gareth Southgate praised: "Pickford's performance was superb and his incredible rescue action 20 minutes before the end."

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: Aaron Chown / dpa

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Pickford held two penalties against Colombia, including that of striker Bacca Photo: Aaron Chown / dpa

The goalkeeper himself said, "I work hard at every meeting of # 39; drive. All the parades I do at the training are only one preparation for the day of the match. It seems modest. Modesty is not one of the salient features of this 24-year-old, who has played against Sweden only his eighth international match. Pickford is sure of himself, absolutely convinced of himself.

The number one of the Three Lions roars almost throughout the game, commanding, directing and applauding. Its maintenance is characterized by agility and responsiveness. And with the ball on his foot under the goalies, only Manuel Neuer can hold his. "It's like watching a very good midfielder," said his former coach David Moyes one day.

That's why Gareth Southgate named Pickford inexperienced, who went through all U-national teams, as a goalkeeper of the World Cup, and who did not even bring the goalkeeper long time Joe Hart in Russia. "It's an important piece of the puzzle for the kind of football we want to play," said the team's director.

Often, Pickford initiates a counterattack on the fast Raheem Sterling and Co. with a long reduction or a pbad. Southgate has also not doubted, as after the 0-1 in the group match against Belgium by a long-range shot by Adnan Januzaj in the English media was made in the size of English media Pickfords. Pickford is the second-smallest English goalkeeper in the history of the World Cup at 1.85m in length.

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Photo: Adam Davy / dpa

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Megan Davison was Pickford's friend for ten years Photo: Adam Davy / dpa

The guard himself never doubts. From his guild, he admires Manuel Neuer and Spaniard David de Gea: "De Gea is the best.But as far as it was a few years ago, I am now too."

Pickford has only completed 69 Premier League matches. It could have been different. In 2017, he and his youth club AFC Sunderland sang – and silent from the first English league. However, Everton has not stopped paying 28.5 million euros for goalie talent. Pickford repaid with the performance. Last season, he missed in the Premier League not a second. Ten times he played from scratch.

He made his debut for the Three Lions last November in the friendly against Germany (0-0). The young goalkeeper showed two magnificent saves, kept his box clean and even then he gave instructions like a big one.

Bayern coach Niko Kovac said in the FAZ: "Without an exceptional goalkeeper, you can not become world champion." England has it with Jordan Pickford, who did not know not much before this tournament. "Pickford always knew.

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