Former national coach Berti Vogts on the pursuit of Joachim Loew


1974 World Champion, Co-Coach of 1990 World Champion and 1996 European Coach Speaks with SPORT1 World Champion of the German National Team at World Cup in Russia also met Berti Vogts. on the decision of his heir Joachim Löw to continue despite the debacle of the World Cup. And describes his 1998 experience, when his comparable decision not to start the quarterfinals after the World Cup finals, soon led to the big bang.

SPORT1: Mr. Vogts, what do you say that Joachim Löw continues as a national coach?

Berti Vogts: That's the only good decision. I'm happy for Joachim Löw and for German football. There was and there is no alternative to him. Just look at what he has done with the national team in recent years – also in international comparison. These were difficult weeks for Löw. That's why I'm very happy with this decision and I cross my fingers for it

SPORT1: In today's world, coaches are quickly fired for missed goals . Would not he have had to resign because he had failed with the team at the World Cup?

Vogts: If you are smart, then as president, just think of cooperation in the past years ago. The crucial question: do you trust Löw again to repeat the achievements so far, and do we still have the potential of the league? When you get to the point where something has gone wrong, which should not have happened, then it is right to continue working with Löw. The Bureau unanimously decided that it was said "It has all our confidence"

SPORT1: What should make Löw better?

Vogts: He knows that he made mistakes a. But now, he is supposed to go on vacation for a few weeks before sharing ideas about mistakes and possible improvements with another person. He should be. The water in the kettle is still boiling. Loew should just rest, and he can do it in four weeks.

Then, he should sit down with Oliver Bierhoff, the president and the secretary general, to determine the common direction for the next four years. It is important that the badociation has an experienced coach like Löw. It is equally important that this coach, along with his team, also learn what has gone wrong at the World Cup.

SPORT1: Can it be because of the missing alternatives that the DFB continues to Löw? arrest?

Vogts: No! I find that too negative, if such a thing is concluded. Of course, there are other very good coaches like Jürgen Klopp, whom I could very well imagine as a national coach. But this is not the time for him, as he still has too many goals with Liverpool.

After Qatar, there is an experienced and recognized international coach as he is certainly available. But what did Joachim Loew do wrong? What has the Bundesliga done wrong? Bayern were in the semifinals of the Champions League, the other German clubs failed internationally. Löw could not do anything. I wonder now: What is the attraction of German football?

SPORT1: What do you mean?

Vogts: If I have to read this, a journalist from a reputedly written newspaper, the success rate of the Germans would be 88.5 percent and the possession of the ball at 72 percent, then I take my head. If that is the most important thing in German football, then good night. I would like to go to the stadium and see teams playing German and offensively.

I have never seen an English team play German football as German as this World Cup. It is important to score goals and to prevent goals. All the rest is the car-bed football. Argentina, Spain and Germany have eliminated this football. Also in academies must be worked differently. All players should not be treated the same way and play the same thing, it's the biggest nonsense. Each player with his own individual clbad is special.

SPORT1: Is there anything you criticize for Loew?

Vogts: He knows what did not work. He had his options at the World Cup. If I really want to criticize him, then I do not do it in public, but tell him personally. I know how difficult the national coaching job is. Although I must say that there are four weeks to prepare the national team for a tournament today. I had barely two weeks and even there was a dispute with the league. Today, it is brilliantly prepared for the national team.

SPORT1: In 1998, the national team at the World Cup with you as national coach after a 0: 3 eliminated in the quarter-finals against Croatia. You have two games after that, so it was over for you. In retrospect, do you feel unjustly treated if you see that Loew is allowed to continue today?

Vogts: Not at all, because it was a different situation. At that time, I said goodbye to the DFB. I went to the president ( Egidius Braun, d.Red. ) and said, "Mr. Braun, that makes no sense. It does not work with me anymore as a coach. The team needs a new impetus. It was the right decision for me, but even more important for the DFB and the national team, which I still adore

SPORT1: Is it possible to compare the team of 1998 and that of today?

Vogts: At that time, we were at the end. We had so many injury problems, and there were some extreme problems after winning the 1996 English Championship in England because a lot of players were down. There were also players who were above their zenith (including Stefan Effenberg made a comeback d.Rouge ). But the Bundesliga did not give so much at the time, so I did not want to continue. No comparison with the situation with Löw today. It was a very sensible conversation with Mr. Braun at that time. One can compare something very different

SPORT1: What?

Vogts: The national team in 1994 with that of today. In 1994, we were better positioned on individual pitches than in 1990. There were then three groups: the world champions who only wanted to manage football, the wild youngsters of the Bundesliga and the players of the Bundesliga. ex-GDR who did not know this atmosphere. It was not easy, everything was already agreed. Nevertheless, we withdrew in the quarterfinals (1: 2 against Bulgaria D. Red. ). It hurts how I was treated then. A major German newspaper even wanted to confiscate my German nationality.

SPORT1: Some national players reportedly complained to a major newspaper that Löw – as on goalkeeper's position – did not accept the performance principle. What do you say to that?

Vogts: Moles have always existed. Of course, some journalists are grateful for that. I despise something like this. That's why I do not want to say one more word. Bad. I firmly press Joachim Löw's thumbs. Especially as on September 6th the big game against France is on hold. I hope he can do it again.

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