Formula 1: Vettel almost cries on the radio – so he shows an incredible reaction – Formula 1


Lewis Hamilton wins the Formula 1 race in Germany from 14th place "Miracles arrive", shines the Mercedes driver. "Of course, it's very unlikely, but I believed it."

Sebastian Vettel throws the victory. In the 52nd of 67 laps, it slips in the lead when the rain starts. Ironically, in front of his crowd in Hockenheim, where Vettel has never won.

Full of anger, the 31-year-old driving at the wheel apologizes on the radio with his torn voice. RTL expert Nico Rosberg believes: "It may be the darkest day of his career."

Vettel loses the championship to Hamilton

It's all the more surprising that Vettel reacts after the race. The Ferrari driver calmly and calmly puts it all in place: "It was relatively unspectacular, it's not like I was doing a lot, a lot of mistakes, a small mistake, a big impact I made more serious mistakes. 19659003] What consolation makes a donation? This Ferrari has a good car. "It's enough comfort," says Vettel. Of course, it does not annoy me too much, but it 's not like that it should have been. "

In general, Vettel seems almost scary this season.He is still leading the championship – Hamilton now has 17 points in advance.

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