Fortnite: Cracks on the map devour popular landmarks


What's happening at Fortnite? In recent days, players are seeing more and more cracks on the map – and speculating on what might be hidden behind. Because: The cracks invade especially the well known sites. Recently, a crack engulfed the tomato head popular in Tomato Town. Since launching the rocket at Fortnite, things seem to be constantly changing. What's going on there?

Players Puzzle: What Happens in Fortnite (buy now for € 59.99) ? Since the launch of the rocket last weekend, the shooter seems to be constantly evolving. Fans speculate in particular on recently released cracks – there are more and more! At first, they appeared in the sky, during this time the cracks are also visible on the bottom of the map. How bad the world is torn then is not clear. Recently, one of the most popular landmarks had to believe it. On Reddit, a player has released a clip that shows how Tomato Town's tomato head was engulfed by a crack. Gradually, the objects disappear. What is it?

There is no answer to the question yet. One thing is certain: mysterious things have happened in Fortnite since the launch of the last rocket. The cracks found in the sky and on the ground leave a mysterious impression. In the middle, we see light bullets – maybe some kind of portal. Because cracks appear mostly on map sites, players suspect that Epic Games is preparing something bigger.

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For many players, the theory seems plausible that Epic Games wants to use cracks to signal the arrival of a new map. It is believed that behind it is a kind of spatio-temporal anomaly that paves the way for a new map. However, Epic Games only hinted in April that it could take some time with a second Fortnite card. It is therefore also possible that the cracks indicate many changes and innovations for the existing map. It remains to be seen what will happen in the next few days – and if any other cracks develop. As soon as further information arrives, you will learn more as usual in our news section on Fortnite. Moreover, on July 12, season 5 will begin at Fortnite – if the mystery will then be revealed?

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