Fortnite: Here's what the map looks like in Season 5


In Fortnite: Battle Royale (PC, PS4, iOS, Switch and Xbox One) the 5th season has started. The map has not been completely replaced but carefully returned. Here's What's New and Different With The Fortnite Card Of Season 5.

But No New Card In Fortnite: Unlike many fans, the old Fortnite card has not been completely replaced by a new one, there is (still) no second card. But the old map is hardly recognizable. So, there is no more swamp now, Anarchy Acres has been gentrified and the Vikings are perched on the mountain peaks.

What is different in Season 5.

In the following paragraphs you will learn all about new locations. In addition, there are now new "cracks" (rifts).

The new cracks – to the sky

What are the cracks and what do they do? New cracks should not be confused with old cracks, landmarks have sucked in or spew out new objects. But they are alike. If you see one of the new cracks, you can simply launch or drive. Then you will be sent back to the top of the map and fall as you did at the beginning of the game.


Beware, your paraglider will not open automatically, so be careful not to Crush to death.

How cool is it? If you with the new van that will enter a crack, the cart will be teleported with you, and when it crashes you will all be safe, but you risk falling into botany! [19659010] by Gfycat

Why should I do this? Such a loophole is a great way to reorient yourself on the map and visit a place where the action is about to start or retire when it makes it very pops. In addition, cracks are a good idea to escape the storm. The cracks should boost the gameplay.

Bye, Moisty Mire – Hello Paradise Palms!

The marsh that no one likes: The Great Marsh Moisty Mire in the southeast of the map had a cool name, but if you did not have to do it, no one n & # 39; He went there happy. But the marshes slowed you down, the area was ugly and there was not much to do. Only the scenery of the film was interesting.


Source: FortniteInsider

The marsh becomes desert: In addition, thanks to the leaks of season 4, it was clear that the marsh would be drained, and "draining" should be taken literally here because the developers have replaced the entire south-east of the map. turned into desert

Also the prison disappeared: The area, now called Paradise Palms, is also surrounded the area where the prison was. There is now a city called Paradise Palms.

Lazy Links: Golf Lesson Instead of Farmer Farmers

Why the Same Farms Twice? Anarchy Acres was another farm with fields in the old map. Something similar was in the south at Fatal Fields but already. So why twice the same subject that has never been too popular? As a result, Anarchy Acres is now gone!

  Fortnite Lazy Links

Source: FortniteInsider

Gentrification! Instead of a shabby farmhouse, a nice golf course called Lazy Links was built on the site of Anarchy Acres, where you have a larger building and expansive lawns with golf courses to warm up the new 4×4

The best of the new course: Thanks to the new Ug-Ball-Emotes toy playing golf here. If you fall, you will even get points!

The Forest with the Divine Dusty

The Green Hell: Those who took care of Season 4 know that the crater is increasingly invaded by trees. East. Meanwhile, a dense forest has emerged in the crater of impact. There is almost nothing to see from the previously established research base.


Is there more to come? But why are trees growing so fast, does it have anything to do with Hop Rocks? Keep an eye on this area, who knows what else is going on during Season 5.

The Vikings on the Mountain at Greasy Grove

The Vikings Blocked: You always remember the 6th crack of season 4. An anchor suddenly appeared on the mountain between Greasy Grove and Snobby Shores, belonging to a Viking ship that suddenly appeared on the mountain top. with some long houses and a chu water. And he has a llama on the bow!

  The Fortnite Vikings

Source: FortniteInsider

The Durr Burger at Pleasant Park

The Burger is back! The Burger Durr disappeared at the end of season 4 and then suddenly appeared in our world in California. In the film video of season 5, he and the graffiti artist Drift returned to Fortnite


Where is the burger now? The Durr burger is now somewhere else: instead of the fast food shop in Greasy Grove, you'll find it on a green hill to the northwest from Pleasant Park. Plus, the Drift Cat Fox Spray Tag is there now.

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" clbad = "lazy lazy lazy" data-lazy-type = "iframe" data-lazy-src = " " alt = "" />

What about the tomato head?

Where is the tomato's head? When the durr hamburger is back, then the tomato head should be somewhere. After all, the friendly tomato face has always been a landmark of the game and even inspired his own skin.

  Fortnite tomato [19659044] Fortnite tomato "width =" 527 "height =" 391 "srcset =" 527w, https: // images / magazine / media / 2018/07 / Fortnite-Tomato-150×111.jpg 150w, / Fortnite-Tomato-300×223. jpg 300w "sizes =" (max-width: 527px) 100vw, 527px "/>

Source: FortniteInsider

Unfortunately, the skull of the tomato is still gone. Maybe it's will never come back, because in his place in Tomato Town is currently a sign saying "Goodbye." But who knows, maybe this Fortnite veteran will come back during the season.Do not lose hope! [19659009] Is there anything more? So much for the changes we saw in Season 5. If we notice any other changes, we'll update this article. Have fun exploring the new places!

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