Fortnite: The rocket is launched


Fortnite announces special event for Saturday night, 30.6. This is probably the launch of the rocket. But when is it exactly? What is 22:30 PT, 1:30 pm ET and 7:30 pm CET?

Fortnite Today, What Happens: Fortnite Message In Game: Battle Royale clearly says that something is going to happen tonight. We should go in a match and look in the sky. "It only happens once", pleading in the message from the developers.

  Launch of Fortnite

Confusion of summer time / winter time

When is it exactly? Time is given as 10:30 PT, 13:30 ET, 19:30 CET Clock. It is the respective winter time in the regions:

  • US West Coast (PT),
  • US East Coast (ET)
  • and Europe Central, among others Germany, Austria, Switzerland (CET). The thing in question would therefore take place at 19:30 of our time. In fact, we are currently living in the summer. That said, the event would take place at 8:30 pm if Epic was taking the time exactly.

    The specified winter is probably an error : However, there is much to be said that Epic simply squandered here or the

    • First, it would be absurd to have players convert [19659008] Secondly, Fortnite's countdowns, say on TVs, indicate that it actually starts at 7:30 pm. For Epic, standard time is pretty much everywhere
      Fortnite-Ding [19659015] Fortnite-Ding "width =" 2425 "height =" 969 "srcset =" https: //images.mein-mmo. from / magazin / medien / 2018/06 / Fortnite-Ding.jpg 2425w, https: // images / magazine / media / 2018/06 / Fortnite-Ding-150×60.jpg 150w, https: //×120. jpg 300w,×307.jpg 768w, n / 2018 / 06 / Fortnite-Ding-1024×409.jpg 1024w "sizes =" (max-width: 2425px) 100vw, 2425px "/>

    Screen capture was taken at 2:26 pm and there is 5 hours 3 minutes left Suitable for 19:30 of our time

    Look in the sky

    What exactly is going on there? Officially, we do not know it yet. But we're waiting the rocket starts at Shobby Shores.This seems to be the culmination of a story that's been going on in the background of Fortnite for months.All revolves around the meteorite at the end of season 3. A alien, the visitor, came out, and now he has something in mind with this missile.This could start the transition to season 5 – which should start in less than two weeks.

    What kind of effects does this have dan s the game? We do not know yet. Surprisingly new fashions might come online, in which you have to make a huge monster, the Leviathan, similar to Thanos. It is certain that Moisty Mire will disappear until the end of season 4. Maybe this happens tonight. But these are just speculations at the moment

    What should we do tonight? If Epic is a player, all players should try to be in a Fortnite match at 7:30 pm and look to the sky.

      Fortnite Barrel Roll [19659022] Barrel Barrel "width =" 1942 "height =" 1097 "srcset =" Roll.jpg 1942w, 18/06 / Fortnite-Barrel-Roll-150×85.jpg 150w, /medien/2018/06/Fortnite-Barrel-Roll-300×169.jpg 300w, https: //×434.jpg 768w, https : // -Roll-1024×578.jpg 1024w "sizes =" (max-width: 1942px) 100vw, 1942px "/>

    Is the Fortnite servers support it?

    Everything works – what about queues and server problems Many expect that there are too many problems connection when millions of players connect at the same time.A joke already, it's a huge server stress test camouflaged as an event. Perhaps not why Epic no longer tries to make the "Spielwiese" mode live. In any case, it is probably wise to connect to Fortnite sooner. From 19h, Fortnite should have long queues on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch and Mobile.

    My MMO: We will definitely be present on Report the result of the event as soon as possible

      Fortnite Rocket

    That's he arrived there? The light of space aimed the inclined towers

    It happened: At 19:30 the rocket started from the west of the Snobby Shores map. This was announced by an increasingly loud siren that could be heard right up to the last corner of the map. The rocket is gradually elevated in the sky.

    After the rocket disappeared into space, a light fell on the world of Fortnite. The light was directed towards Tilted Towers. But the impact apparently did not take place.

    In any case, the event left a lasting impression on Fortnite. The sky, now purple, is adorned with a crack. Some suspect: The world of Fortnite could have been located under a dome, which has now received a crack. Others speak of a dimensional flaw.

     Acres Anarchy

    There were map changes on Fortnite after the event? A piece of rocket crushed in Anarchy Acres. It may be the propulsive part of the rocket that was deliberately destroyed when the rocket ascended into the sky. The rocket part can be disbadembled with the pickaxe.

    Watch videos of the rocket launch event "Launch" at Fortnite

    The video shows the record breaking record of Snobby Shores:

    <img src = "Data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "clbad =" lazy lazy hidden "data-lazy type =" iframe "data-lazy-src =" "alt =" "/> [19659039] This video shows what's going on to light better – from Pleasant Park:

    <img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" clbad = "lazy lazy hidden" data lazy -type = "iframe" data-lazy- src = ""

    Here, in video 3 of Ninja, you can see that the booster part of the rocket is launched. This is the part that probably landed in Anarchy Acres.

    Well done @fortnite Well done.

    – Ninja (@Ninja) Thu 30 June 2018

    We will contact the MMO as soon as we will be able to check it.
