Fortnite: throwing baskets – that's what you need for the basketball task


Throwing baskets to Fortnite: How to do basketball work in Week 2 of Season 5! Before starting the task, you need level 11 for your Battle Pbad! Now you equip the ball on a slot in the locker. In this tip, we show you a map with the locations of the basketball courts. You launch baskets at five different locations to meet the challenge.

The following card for basketball baskets for the Fortnite Challenge in Week 2 of Season 5 is Then you just pick five different places and throw the baskets. By the way: We have already revealed to you the location of the treasure between the oasis, the rock arch and the dinosaurs. Visit our Fortnite theme page for more tips. The Youtube baseball launch tutorial video comes from Channel Tyceno.

Learn more about: Fortnite Season 5 Tips – Week 2

Fortnite Baskets Map

The next card of all basketball baskets in Fortnite comes from reddit via

  Fortnite Basketball Courts

Fortnite Basketball Sites – Here you can throw baskets with the Ball Emote


Throwing Baskets Into Fortnite – Video Projection Techniques

Use the following throwing technique with the basketball emote in the Battle Royale shooter

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