Forza Motorsport 7: Update Removes Lootboxes


The Studio Turn 10 developer has announced a major change in the Forza Motorsport 7 racing game, one year old. With an update, the Lootboxes are removed from the game. In the meantime, the effects of the boxes have been significantly reduced. Thus, the developer governs the returns of many fans.

Almost a year after the release, the Turn 10 development studio will remove Lootboxes from the racing game Forza Motorsport 7 (buy now for $ 44.99) . More loot in Forza Motorsport 7

Alan Hartman, head of the studio, explains: "The impressive return was that this system did not seem in its place. However, Lootboxen are so integrated into the racing game that it's not so easy to remove them at once. In the first step, the impact of the boxes was significantly reduced. Thus, 100 previously "exclusive" cars were unlocked and the vehicles were also completely removed from Lootboxen. According to current plans, they will be completely disarmed this winter.

"The current Lootboxes have no competitive advantage, only Driver Gear suits, mods and badges will stay in place until the Lootboxes are completely removed," he says. by the Forza Motorsport 7 racing game development team.

Source: Forza Motorsport

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  The Lootboxes of Forzo Motorsport 7 must be removed with an update. (1)

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