Free2Play hit was rejected by many publishers


  Warframe was not always as popular as today Warframe was not always as popular as today

Warframe is still One of the most successful Free2Play shooting games nowadays. It has 40 million registered users and during the recent update of the Sacrifice, about 130,000 players simultaneously embarked on the collaborative space adventure.

Such a success was the cooperative PvE shooter but not always. Meredith Braun, vice president of developer publisher Digital Extreme, told MCVUK that she had not even found a publisher for the launch of Warframe.

"We were very nervous after a lot of big publishers of Free2Play refused us and we were hoping someone would help us out, but when they did not see any potential for success in the title, we were just heard, I decided to do it myself. "

Of course, neither the publisher nor the developer could see how Warframe would evolve. At launch, Warframe contained only a fraction of the current content and had little potential. Perhaps Warframe also succeeded because he did not find a publisher and according to Braun just because of that did not follow the typical path for such a game.

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Koop-PvE as an unusual recipe for success

After all, the pure PvE concept is a bit unusual. Ambitious updates to free content and Lootboxen dropping. For Braun, the Warframe takes off from other Free2Play representatives such as World of Tanks or Fortnite. Without PvP, the players in Warframe are much more open to others, more to achieving something together.

In addition, Warframe has probably benefited from many frustrated players showing the poverty of content in Destiny, which has often been compared to the title. It became a Free2Play alternative, so to speak

According to Braun, the micro-transactions in Warframe would work again so that you get exactly what you pay and spend your money because you are anyway in the fight

"Let's go back to our roots as a shareware developer, if you make a good game, then you get paid, if you give people great experience, good value, good service. We get a lot of comments where people say that they have nothing to pay for the game but they still spend money because a lot of work went into the game and it was not good. is great. "

Great updates like Plains of For example, Eidolon added an open world, Sacrifice has brought more history. Recently, even an update with spacecraft battles as in Star Citizen and jointly steerable spacecraft has been announced. In addition, a version for the Nintendo switch comes.

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