From autumn: These new emojis come on iPhone and iPad – mobile phone


More than 70 new emojis will hit Apple devices like iPhone, iPad and Mac this fall. For today 's World Emoji Day, the company will show what the upcoming photos will look like.

Including heads with red, curly or gray hair – and one with a bald head. In the future, there will also be an icy face, a party smiley and a face with a great pleading petition.

Also new are a shy and smiling face with hearts and two superheroes, but also animals like parrot, peabad and kangaroo, as well as foods like mango, salad or a Chinese moon cake . = "data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " -the-symbol-for-infinity-and-a-nazar – 200858385-56339330 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0. image.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Also on the list of new Apple emojis: The superheroes, the symbol of infinity and a Nazaric amulet "data-zoom-title =" Also on the list of new emojis of Apple: the superheroes , symbol of the infinity and amulet nazar

Photo: Apple

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Also on the list of new Apple emojis: superheroes, the symbol of infinity and an amulet of Nazar Photo: Apple

The new images will be released in autumn with the free software iOS 12.

Das The Unicode consortium added more than 150 new emojis to the new Unicode 11 standard in February. Companies like Google, Apple or Facebook design the symbols of their own offers.

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