To: 27.07.2018 00:01 Uhr

For the break between Mesut Özil and the DFB makes half of the Germans on both sides equally responsible. Only AfD voters see it clearly differently, as revealed by the DeutschlandTrend Morgenmagazin .

The resignation of Mesut Özil from the national team and his accusations of racism have sparked a heated debate in Germany in recent days. For the break between Özil and the German Football Federation, nearly one in two German citizens (47%) share the same responsibility. 29% of respondents believe that responsibility lies mainly with Özil, of which 14% mainly DFB. This resulted in the DeutschlandTrend in ARD-Morgenmagazin .

This basic opinion on the reasons for Özil's resignation involves minor differences between all sections of the population and party supporters. The only obvious exception is made by AfD voters: They make Özil responsible for his break with the DFB with a clear majority of 59%.

Everyone is responsible for integration

Since the resignation of the national actor 92 times Germany also discusses more and more of the role of successful integration of immigrants into Germany. A good two-thirds of eligible voters (69%) consider politics, aboriginals and immigrants to be mandatory.

Thirteen percent believe that immigrants are primarily responsible for their successful integration. On the other hand, eleven per cent see accountability primarily in politics. Only 4% think that it is mainly the indigenous population that must contribute to a successful integration.

The Greens are the highest since 2013

Recent political debates have not changed the political sentiment in society. If the Sunday Bundestag election would be the Union as well as three weeks to 30 percent of the vote. For the SPD would continue to decide 18 percent. AfD continues to defend its strongest third position with a rate unchanged at 16%.

Just behind, the Greens are following with 15%, one percentage point more than at the beginning of July. The party thus reaches the highest value in GermanyTrend since June 2013. The FDP has reached in the Sunday question, unchanged at eight percent. The left loses a point and now also 8%



The results of the survey of 27.07.2018

Universe sampled: Electors in Germany [Sample: Representative Random selection / Double frame (landline and mobile)
Mode Collection: Telephone interviews (CATI)
Number of boxes: 1047 electors
Collection: 24. until July 25, 2018
Weight: by socio-demographic characteristics
Tolerance to fault: 1.4 * to 3.1 ** percentage points
Institute under execution: Infratest dimap

* with a sharing value of 5% ** with a split value of 50%

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