Goodbye Suse, hello Windows: Linux-Aus in the tax offices of Lower Saxony


Lower Saxony ushered in the transition from Linux to Windows. The tax administration currently manages about 13,000 jobs on Suse Linux – it's time to go back.

The end of Linux in Lower Saxony's tax offices should be more of a political decision than an absolutely necessary step to keep the tax administration up-to-date. Even though the introduced Suse system has been viewed as some kind of flagship project for successful change since 2012, the state government had stipulated in the coalition agreement in 2016 that it would return to Windows . So far, there has been no timetable, but now the course has been set up for the reversal reported Heise online magazine.

Probably the complete upgrade to Windows 10

Heise has received from a spokesman of the Ministry of Finance, the statement that now "a migration from the computer to a Microsoft operating system in a version then in progress", it will probably be Windows 10, so Heise.


In any case, the tax administration was not limited to open source. In the service on the ground and for the Telearbeitsplätzen one continued on Windows.

According to instructions from the state government, workplace systems should now be standardized to simplify work processes. However, detailed details can only be released at the end of the year, as they are still in the planning stage.

The budget has now been budgeted for the coming year 5.9 million euros for the start of the conversion. In the following years, every 7 million euros will be made available.

Lower Saxony is not alone. In Munich, a total amount of about 50 million euros had been forecast for costly return migration over the next five years.

See also:

  Linux, Munich, limux

Linux, Munich, limux
LiMux Project

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