Google Maps: Never come late!


H hardly asked anyone else. Most access Google Maps. The mapping application of the search engine giant uses millions of people every day. No wonder Google is constantly developing functionality. At the Google I / O Developer Conference in May 2018, the company announced that the navigation solution will soon be so smart that users will no longer be lost. Now, Google is going ahead with another feature that will allow you to be immediately on the spot.

Google Maps: how to use the map service even better

Google Maps: it's time to leave!

The desktop version of Google Maps has a new option that lets users know when it's time to leave. But how does Google Maps know where to go and when? Pretty simple: the Map app scans Google Calendar for dates with location information and automatically calculates the path time to the current location of the user. Google Maps informs in a timely manner about a notification in the browser, which you should make your way.

Google Maps: Turn On Notification [19659005] To turn on notification, navigate to Google Maps in the browser. At the top left, click on the symbol with the three dashes ( Hamburger-Men ) and select the notifications . Enable Break Time . The browser immediately asks you if you want to see the display of notifications for the cards. Allow access The setting can be changed at any time. In Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, click the lock icon Info or located in front of the Google Maps web address in the address bar.

The best advice on Google Maps

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