Google threatens billions of sanctions also in the Android procedures of the Commission of the European Union


  Google threatens billions of penalty also in the European Commission's Android procedures

(Image: dpa, Andrea Warnecke)

Evidence that the European Commission also Google in their second competitive offer at checkout goes, condense.

Google appears to face another fine of $ 1 billion from the European Commission. Also in the competition for Android is likely to be the abuse of a dominant position, wrote the Wall Street Journal citing informed people Wednesday. The penalty could exceed the record amount of about 2.4 billion euros in the procedure around looking for shopping in the last year – but probably would not be double-digit. The decision is expected in the coming weeks.

The Commission adopted the Android case in April 2015 and, a year later, accused the group of abusing a dominant position. Google and parent company Alphabet reject the allegations.

The Commission is concerned, among other things, that Android smartphone manufacturers wishing to integrate Google services must immediately bring a package of Internet Group applications on the Internet. devices. Google responds that it is necessary to have a minimum number of applications on the device because users would not be able to use Google services properly. In addition, the Commission criticizes the "anti-fragmentation" agreement that Google enabled service providers can not simultaneously sell smartphones with modified Android versions.

It remains unclear to what extent Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager will seek a change in the terms and conditions. A third procedure in Brussels concerns the "AdSense for Search" service, in which other websites can integrate Google search masks. Among other things, the group limits the possibilities of these providers to also display Google's search engine advertising competitors, the commission found. Google advertising will be treated preferentially.
( dpa ) /


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