Guild Wars 2: Arenanet draws authors


E in the online role-playing game about, among others, the creativity of the authors, who come up with good stories for the interactive game world and their characters. No easy task! The author of "Guild Wars 2", Jessica Price, also finds this – and wrote on Twitter a discussion on the subject . In several contributions, she has reported on the difficulties she sees in the development of game characters, which are dominated in the case of online role-playing games mainly by the actions of the players. A very exciting performance, which can be discussed excellently. That's exactly what the creator of YouTube and Twitch's "Deroir" streamer was trying to do, including creating videos on "Guild Wars 2" via ArenaNet's Content Creator program

Authoring Seximus reproach

Objectively and Constructively commented on Price's comments, politely contradicted them on some points and made suggestions on how to improve the expressive possibilities of the pawns through branched dialogue. From this comment, the author obviously felt drawn on the tie. In an immediate response she portrays the creator as a "know-it-all" who tries to tell him how to do his job. Then she went further and published Deroir's comments on her Twitter channel. There she commented that it is a typical case of the life of a video game developer, implying that it is the strongly discussed discrimination of women in the game industry.

Image gallery: Guild Wars 2

Discussion of climbing

Obviously, this was not the intention of the YouTubers, who repeatedly apologized . In the meantime, other users joined the dispute and sided with Deroir. As usual on the internet, the discussion has exploded and spread to other forums. Jessica Price has also received support from her colleague Peter Fries. He explained via Twitter that Price never asked his opinion. Of course, at this point, the question arises as to why you published your article via a public communication platform such as Twitter.

Arenanet turns on

As a result, other users react indignantly to Fries's comment. The fact that the two developers in the manipulation of the players in the music out of touch, finally reached the board room of Arenanet. Speaking at the official Guild Wars 2 forum, the studio said the two writers had not complied with the company's communication standards and had therefore been released. Arenanet stressed in this respect that the studio always attached the greatest importance to the opinions and feedback of the players.

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