Guild Wars 2 – Employees were fired after a dispute on Twitter


  Guild Wars 2 author clashed with a creator A Guild Wars 2 author clashed with a creator.

Internet can be a toxic place. Between the developers and the players it is often hot the publishers are torpedoed for controversial practices by the Reddit community, of course, the players attack each other. Discussions are important, valuable, but often as raw. Regardless of who is ultimately in the right – in the world of social media and verbal fights Co. Co. like to go to the stuff. This occurred in a conflict between a Guild Wars 2 author and a streamer.

Jessica Price has posted a series of tweets about the challenges of character writing for an MMO via Twitter. In terms of content, there is the question of how to develop exciting protagonists when the players finally decide on the specific form of their heroes. Approaching the price: Create a sharp shell that still leaves enough room for individual fantasies of the player

In fact a harmless execution, but as a streamer and creator Deroir contradicts some of the arguments in one way similarly harmless, things get out of control, Price responds with the following tweet:

"Let me – a person who does not work with you – explain how you do your job."

– Jessica Price (@Delfina777) 4 July 2018

Deroir reacts defensively : "So much for an open discussion. I did not want to be disrespectful in any way. And I never badumed that I knew more about writing games. And none of this has anything to do with my genre. Never. It never will be. I withdraw my comment because I am obviously in the wrong forum for this type of conversation. "The conflict has widened, other players have joined, after some back and forth Price has reacted again with a controversial statement:

The next badhat hike that tries to m <39 explain the concept of the branched dialogue – as if, you know, had worked in the game story for a damn DECADE, I've never heard of it – becomes unstable PSA

– Jessica Price (@ Delafina777) July 4, 2018

Peter Fries, an ArenaNet colleague from Price, also joined the discussion .In his view, Price never asked for a counter-opinion – d & # 39; Where his irritable mood is understandable.The team has been working very hard in recent months, the pressure is strong.

Discussions on the subject have spread to Reddit and the Guild Wars 2 forums In the end, the developer responded with a clear message:

"Recently, two of our employees were Behaved in a way that did not respect the established communication standards for our interactions with players, and their attacks against the community are not accepted As a result, they no longer work for our company, we want to clarify that 39, none of their comments in any way represent the views of ArenaNet As a company, we are always looking for a fruitful exchange with the Guild Wars community and appreciate your contribution We are developing this game for you . "

ArenaNet does not name names, but the statement was posted in the forum where the community hopes the developer will respond to Price and Fries, so it's safe to badume that the statement refers to both employees. [19659005] Price has not commented on the developments in this whole story At Reddit, where this connection is also taken for granted, the community prides itself on "saving innocent people from hate words." The commentary for more of 6000 upvotes .It pays to resist when, in your own eyes, it goes wrong.The fact that Peter Fries finally also wanted to protect a colleague is still not mentioned

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