Hahn announces against HSV: "The team was divided"



Hahn listens to HSV after: "The crew was divided"

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  André Hahn   André Hahn

André Hahn in the Hamburger SV jersey reacts after a missed scoring opportunity. Photo: Marius Becker / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

ugsburg (dpa) – After his return to FC Augsburg, André Hahn criticized the lack of cohesion of Hamburger SV, with whom he played last season. the second Bundesliga had come down. "I certainly would not go back to Hamburg because they could play in the Champions League and offer me what they want," said the 27-year-old offensive player, the trade magazine "Kicker." " (Monday). "The team was divided and not one."

At FC Augsburg, for which he has already played from January 2013 to the summer of 2014, Hahn believes the spirit of the particular team within the team: "It 's n & #' s There is no star, everyone direction.It is a cohesion like at the friends.If I lose the ball, someone else does everything to take it back – and vice versa A team needs such a conscience.This makes the FCA different from other clubs. "

He learned a lot from his time at HSV, Hahn said. "There is a big line underneath.There are things that do not go together.I saw that." He was also ready to make financial cuts for his return to the Fuggerstadt: "L & # 39; Money is not everything.The family, health and pleasure are much more important.I could have done a good three years in Hamburg, but I have no contract, but I would be rather happy, and to be honest, you do not deserve to be bad at Augsburg. "

With his appearances on the right and twelve goals and badists in 48 league games, Hahn caused a sensation in the first commitment to Augsburg and added to the list of races Mönchengladbach played.It was worth five million euros in Borussia at the time.Lational coach Joachim Loew took him there in the preliminary team of the World Cup for 2014. He did not reach Brazil, but he was allowed to play the Li Champions with the Gladbachers. Only when he switched to HSV 2017, he came down sporty. At the end of the first run was with the Hanseatic League in the 2nd League.

Report "Kicker"

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