Hayabusa2 at the Ryugu asteroid: Answers to the German mascot


  Hayabusa2 at the asteroid Ryugu: the mascot of the German Lander connects

Here's how Mascot is supposed to land on the asteroid

The asteroid lander Mascot has taken his first steps on l & # 39; asteroid. Orbit reported to Ryugu. It is controlled in Germany.

The "Mascot lander" sent the first signals to the earth after arriving at the Ryugu asteroid. They arrived Friday night, said the control center of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Cologne. Mascot is aboard the Japanese space probe Hayabusa2, which has reached the asteroid after three and a half years traveling in space and is now in orbit at a distance of 20 kilometers.

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Ryugu at 2600 kilometers, photographed on June 6, 2018
(Photo: JAXA, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University , Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, Aizu University and AIST)

"We are very close to our goal and exactly where we want to go," said Christian Krause, head of operations at DLR. Now, the preparations for landing begin. The software will now be tested and the batteries prepared for use, said the project manager Tra-Mi Ho. In addition, the landing site must be found. The mascot was developed by DLR in collaboration with the CNES (National Center for Space Studies).

In early October, Mascot must land on the asteroid close to Earth to take measurements. The LG has only 16 hours, because the batteries will not last longer. In doing so, it must act in a largely autonomous way, because the signals of the Earth take 15 minutes. During the time on the asteroid, the LG must also investigate several different places, which he should reach by jumping maneuvers.
( with dpa material ) /


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