Hearthstone: Rambazamba from Rastakhan: "Shirvallah" in action and twelve new cards


Following the announcement of Hearthstone: Rambazamba of Rastakhan, Blizzard Entertainment unveiled a dozen new extension cards on the occasion of the Blizzcon 2018 show.

In Rambazamba of Rastakhan, loa (wild gods whose power is derived from animal spirits) can be summoned in the form of nine legendary servants. For example, the paladins were blessed by the Loa "Shirvallah" (Tiger). This legendary servant uses 25 mana, with a value of 7/5 and the Divine Shield, zeal and starvation costs less, which is the mana crystals cast to cast spells. You can see the "Shirvallah map" and some other maps in action in the following video.

Spiritual Synergies: "The loa gave each team power in the form of ghosts, rare clbadics with 0/3 values ​​and special effects, these effects were designed to be in synergy with other cards, and the spirit of the shark becomes battle cries and combos … the servant is fired twice, allowing combos and crazy effects. "

The new keyword of the card is "Overwhelmed". It acts as a "final blow": "They reward players with a bonus effect if they inflict enough damage to destroy their target, such as Sul's neutral weapon for 6 mana with a value of 4/4, so players can attack again. Afterwards, destroy a damaged target until the weapon loses its durability. "

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

Screen Capture – Hearthstone: Rambakamba from Rastakhan (Android)

On December 4, 2018, the next Hearthstone expansion will be released for PC, Mac, Android and iOS. In Hearthstone: Rambakamba of Rastakhan, you will visit the Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale to beat you "with a lot of Mojo for glory and glory". The digital trading card game will be expanded to 135 new cards.

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