Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project – One Map Brings 18 Bridges


If you do not have a favorite deck yet and want to try all the cards, you will have an unusual chance for Hearthstone in The Boomsday Project. The new Whizbang the Wonderful card allows you to play all 18 decks – with one card!

How exactly this works is explained by Blizzard designer Peter Whalen in the video above the news. By adding the Wurbelflitz to his deck, he changes the name of the deck to "Wurbelflitz is Wondrous" and swaps all cards. Instead, a randomly selected card game among 18 games is found in one of the nine clbades. This means that you do not know which clbad or heroes you are actually playing before the start of the match.

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For Experimenters

For high-profile players whose strategies depend on the selection of their card, this does not make sense – all the more so as it does not get worse. 39 is not level trays. However, they are quite impressive and are perfect for anyone who wants to try different styles of play before deciding for a course (similar to Overwatch with the Mystery Hero games).

There is also free access (so random) to many legendary or epic cards that would not be easy to find otherwise. Would you like to add the extraordinary card to your deck?

Read all about the new extension in our news announcements

Hearthstone: The Boomsday Project – View Extension Cards

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