His friend Nils Teixeira has dissolved his contract in Bielefeld. Now, his girlfriend Amina is settling down with the city. – Season 2017/18


A farewell without tears!

Nils Teixeira (27) leaves Arminia Bielefeld – her friend Amina is particularly happy.

She now settles on Instagram with the city of Ostwestfalen and does not mince words. Now she has put her profile to private – the post is no longer publicly visible.

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Photography: Thomas Eisenhuth / dpa

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/nur-neun-ligaspiele-und-pokalspiel-machte-teixeira-l- -for-bielefeld-200528971-56180762 / image / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Only nine league games and one cup match made Teixeira (left) To Bielefeld Photo: Thomas Eisenhuth / dpa

She wrote: "Now it's official: we're finally leaving Bielefeld! Everyone knows: "Bielefeld, the city that does not exist!" And it's exactly like that! I badociate nothing positive with the city, since I empty the time a times. "

Player-wife bill with Bielefeld!

Amina continues: " Most of Bielefeld goes to laughter in the basement, Never before have I seen egocentric and grumpy people in a pile!"

Teixeira came to Bielefeld only a year ago. The defender and Arminia have dissolved the contract until June 30, 2018. Where he goes, it's still not clear.

Like his girlfriend in town, Teixeira never really set foot in the club: in his second outing for Bielefeld, Teixeira saw red! After the suspension, he was repeatedly useless in the team.

In the second half of the season, it was no longer considered. Overall, he made ten games for Bielefeld

How Teixeira continues to play sports is not clear.

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