How are the new Apple products stand out?


Apple has removed the notice lock on all new products. This means: for the past few hours, he has received reviews and test reports on the iPad Pro, Mac Mini and MacBook Air. We summarize for you the landscape of opinions.

First of all: all three devices come out very well. Because all three are praised in terms of performance and evaluation of new features at the highest level. But in the badessment of other aspects, such as the price, the release time or the target audience, there are many critical voices.

The iPad Pro Reviews

Let's start with the iPad Pro. It's agreed: it's an incredibly powerful product. This puts a lot of MacBook in the shade and old iPads or all iPhones anyway. It's fast crazy. Because even the most demanding games and applications simply can not exploit performance.

The new iPad Pro could be the first iPad too fast to take advantage of the complete chipset. Why? iOS! Many testers summarize that it's the best iPad imaginable, although it can never replace a MacBook. Others believe that Apple does not want that. Rather, we are in the process of creating a new category of mobile device.

A kind of super tablet. But this must be able to fight against laptops, at least one or two years of software development. Effective multitasking and the use of multiple content at the same time, as well as the use of Windows, have not yet reached the iPad. And yet.

Because with this new iPad Pro, another step forward has been taken. Not in the direction of the future, in which the iPad replaces the Mac, but in the future, in which the iPad, because of completely new possibilities, exceeds the category of tablets.

People who have already established a way to work with new tools and in a different way. It looks like it's being used on an Apple pencil with the iPad Pro lying flat against a white background. But after a few hours doing things in this new way, it seemed natural. Working on a video seemed new and the light bulbs went off in my head as if nothing had happened. – Mashable

I still do not think that Apple uses enough software to support the speed and versatility offered by the hardware of the iPad Pro. It's just a fraction of what is possible […] – TechCrunch

Apple is not wrong in calling the iPad in the future. Ask any child of two who already knows how to use one. It only remains to understand the experience of the dawn finger for the generation who grew up working with a mouse and a trackpad […]

When Apple popularized the mouse for the first time in the 80s, it took a lot of wrist movements. When the iPhone arrived for the first time, people complained about a physical keyboard.

I'm sure we'll come back to the iPad Pro in the same way, but it still needs to evolve. Until then, bring my mouse back. – The Washington Post


On Mac, the conclusions are easier to summarize. The Mac Mini is rented. Apple basically did everything right. You can recommend the Mac Mini again and the price is very good for the performance.

The MacBook Air is also moving in this direction. Many see it as the MacBook for the average consumer. Only a few doubt that you should put the few euros needed for the 13-inch MacBook Pro without TouchBar. However, where we agree, Apple should have marketed this new MacBook Air for years. You've been a little behind the market with thin 13-inch computers and you've caught up with it.

If you've always been one of the pioneers of high-performance MacBook Pro, the question is this: Will Apple break with the pioneering path of notebook computers for all?

When I started testing the new MacBook Air, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I should compare to it. For $ 100 more, you could get a 13-inch MacBook Pro with a more powerful processor and a brighter screen weighing only 0.27 pounds. […]

Is […] like a 13-inch MacBook Pro (without touchbar), with cheaper components? After all, you can barely distinguish them. – the edge

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