HSV wins 3: 1 at the dress rehearsal: Narey meets twice and becomes the new darling


The dress rehearsal was successful! The HSV beats AS Monaco in the final test before the start of the season with 3: 1 (2: 0) – including the party atmosphere on the filled with 25,502 spectator seats. Khaled Narey delighted fans of the Volksparkstadion

Thousands of HSV supporters had fun before the shot of sending the arena, signing autographs at the official opening ceremony of the season, enjoying the sausages and encouraging the team. The group then moved punctually to the storm in the stadium – and it burned the HSV, especially in the first half of a firework against the million-whole Monaco.

"It was a test match, as you wish.The idea that we had with the guys worked.We wanted to have an opponent who is strong in the game and tactically flexible ", praised coach Christian Titz, but he did not want to" overvalue the game ". The coach was particularly impressed that his team was able to free themselves from pressure situations and created many opportunities to score.

Titz: "Khaled absolutely wanted to commit"

Two of them have used Khaled Narey in the first period (30., 43.) and became a winner of the match with his double pack. "Overall, we did a very good match and implemented many things that we had worked out during the week," said ex – Fürth. In thanks for his performance, the 24-year-old athlete was then allowed to move from the left wing to the right rear position in the second period. Narey: "I can play multiple roles, that's my advantage.I feel comfortable in both positions." Titz: "That's also why we wanted to oblige Khaled, he's very variable. "

And now also very popular in the Volkspark. When he was replaced in the 82nd minute, the audience received special applause, which also a little flattered Narey: "I was really looking forward to my first game at the Volkspark." The fans were in a good mood. The fact that I scored twice makes it all the more beautiful. "

Pierre-Michel Lasogga reached the final score with his goal (73rd), before Monacos shortened Rony Lopes (47th) ). Six wins out of a total of seven friendlies: HSV can start this Friday against Holstein Kiel (8:30 pm) with a wide chest in the first season of the second division in its history.

Thus played the HSV: Pollersbeck – Sakai (46. Ito), Bates, van Drongelen, Santos – Steinmann (70th Moritz) – Jairo (70th Lasogga), Holtby (56th Wintzheimer), Janjicic (70th David), Narey (82nd Vagnoman) – Hunt (82nd) ​​Arp)

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