Hymn: Watch 20 minutes of play here


BioWare released 20 minutes of gameplay for the next TeamShooter Anthem. Watch the video here!

At the E3 2018, there were new impressions about Anthem, but the "normal" people at the fair could only see a few small trailers. The concept of complete gameplay, meaning a consistent mission, has only been seen by professional visitors in camera

Now, a few weeks after E3, BioWare and EA have finally lifted the veil and nearly 20 minutes of play made public the rest of the world. There is almost a whole mission to watch: BioWare skips some of the action and hides prematurely in the fight against the boss.

There are also some ideas about the band's activities, such as the fight against the final boss. ). If you want to get a first impression of Javelin's different skills and how they work together, you should not miss the video.

What do you think of gameplay scenes? Convince yourself of the impressions posted?

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