In the future without comments from members>


The Netflix video streaming service says goodbye to his comments. The company announced today in an e-mail to all existing customers who have already submitted a verbal comment on a film or series in recent years.

  Netflix Members

Decisive for disabling text reviews, so the company, is the declining use of functionality by the public. A recent example: The German production of Netflix "DARK" currently has 298 reviews on Netflix Germany. 185 members also marked the meeting from top to bottom as helpful. Too few? Decide for yourself.

According to the Netflix FAQ, there is no way to delete or edit reviews. In his email, the streaming provider writes:

Hello users, You have written a review for the Netflix service over the last year. We wish to inform you that this feature will be closed due to a decrease in use by July 30th. We appreciate that you take the time to write a comment. Your comments will be available on until July 30th. – The Netflix Team

Thanks to Daniel

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