In whom he trusts, who betrays him, who are his opponents


His counselors, his confidants, his adversaries :
World of Ozils

  Mesut Özil: Who trusts, who betrays him, who are his opponents

Mesut Özil on a business trip with his club FC Arsenal.
Photo: dpa / David Wirawan

Düssldorf Mesut Özil trusts his advisers and is one of his opponents. A look at the environment of this 29-year-old man gives clues about Özil's behavior, his behavior.

There is this anecdote about Mesut Özil, who describes quite well that he is by no means one of those footballers who had the right head to wear it. This has come to an appointment for the sports giant Adidas in Berlin. There were three dozen invited journalists, as well as several so-called influencers of Youtube and Instagram. The room was darkened and the light was not enough to take selfies with him. Ozil stood on stage like a squirrel in shock, stuck in a place that he did not want to be like that. After a while, he called a photographer to explain his plan: he asked to draw enough flashlight on the ceiling to provide the necessary brightness. In the end everyone had their picture with Özil.

Özil was born and raised in Germany. But he learned the language only in fragments at the age of four. In Gelsenkirchen, he grew up on a street with Turks and Lebanese. The mother made her possible football career as a housekeeper, her father focused on developing the son. "The Mesut," says the one who knows him very well, "is a good-hearted person, but he simply can not articulate and therefore has a brutal fear of the German public, whom he feels misunderstood for years." [19659020] ->