iPhone XR tried and touched October Conference in two days | Tim Cook visits Europe – Conversation with Apple 65


News and rumors: October 28, 2018, Jonny Random

Macnotes.de > News and rumors > Tried and touched the iPhone XR | October conference in two days | Tim Cook visits Europe – Conversation with Apple 65

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The iPhone XR is on sale. We reviewed the new device and reported on our first impressions. The October event will take place in two days and we'll talk about it again tonight. This and more is waiting for you in the pleasure of the 65th apple. – welcome!

And what is waiting for you in the Apfelplausch 65? Well, this one:

  • 0:00:00: Intro, why only so late online? Is it still possible?
  • 0:03:00: IPhone Xr short test, results of our survey
  • 0:27:00: We read tweets
  • 0:39:30: Last minute rumors
  • 0:52:30: Tim Cook in Europe? What does the Apple boss do here?

The iPhone XR has been shipped since Friday and is already available in Apple stores. Lukas examined the new device at the same time and let it compete against an iPhone X / X.

His impressions will be heard in this episode and they are very interesting and sometimes surprising.

Apple brings a new iPad on Tuesday

This continues with the October event, which Apple will hold Tuesday at 15:00 German time in New York.

There we will probably see the iPad Pro without a home button or face ID, but maybe more.

There could also be new Macs and maybe even Apple Pay for Germany. We are talking about the latest rumors.

Tim Cook on privacy and privacy

The week before the keynote speech, Apple's chief, Tim Cook, made a brief tour of Europe. He spoke to politicians and the media about the protection of privacy and its importance in a digitized world.

But he also called for criticism with his words, from an entirely unexpected point of view, but what has been said there is solid.

We clbadify the different points of view and complete them with ours.

Apple Talk on Twitter and Instagram

You also want to look behind the scenes of our podcast? So follow us on social media!

Listen to an apple cat

The Apple speech is also on Spotify! Listen to it once.

Contact Lukas and Roman

Do you have something to tell us? We answer all your emails and read them in the podcast, it's promised!

  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • comments: App, Website, Podcast Portals
  • twitter: # Apple fun or accounts novel and Lukas
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  • Social media networks our blogs

That's text. Now we wish a good entertainment and good listening! Thank you for listening to the Apple chat.

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